Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The Lord impressed upon me about five months ago, before these town hall meetings the potential for civil unrest, He likened it to the revolutionary war. The unrest He said was going to be motivated by what appeared to be a righteous cause but the antagonism was going to come from the self righteous. The analogy He used was the analogy from the revolutionary war of the "shot heard around the world."

I was impressed with the fact that to this day no one knows who fired the first shot. The events are confused, the motivations skewed and distorted. I was told the very self righteousness in those events cloaked the underlying motivations, the real events, hid the first shot fired.

Because of the injustice in our government the issues that would be normally apparent to the general populace are becoming more and more grey - more and more confused, heated, reactionary.

Service is the key. To serve and protect.

When greed sets precedence instead of service, the middle pillar of any Government is skewed - perception is confused. What was obvious, "self evident" like helping an old lady across the street - treating your brother fairly, takes back stage to more expedient "concerns" - thus the confusion that leads to frenzy - the ability to plan, the ability to ajudicate is lost.

I think a sign of this erosion is utter confusion, a darkened understanding - morals are hidden, obscured so people can justify a base instinct that is devoid of light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The agenda that is hidden and the morals that are skewed are that of the Republican party. He was trying to warn YOU off of your party and their bad tactics. This stuff of labeling things with fear words is all part of it. The party is not trying to educate you about the proposed laws so that you can decide if it is good but is trying to turn you against it with fear words. If they were honest and told what it really proposes, they would not need the fear words but you would see that it is not such a bad thing afterall that our parties have done together and that it is a good first step. You are being warned to stop towing the party line and think for yourself.