Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How to spot a doctrine of Devils

I frequently post things that Reinhard Bonnke writes. He says things I believe and says it better than I ever could have. Today he really nails it. There are lots of arguments in the Church of Jesus that are useless hot air. The color of Vestments. Organ or Guitar. Robes or Hawaiian shirts. End time theology arguments. The fact is, any Doctrine that a church has and argues about is a waste of time if it doesn't include the power of God delivered to people. As a corollary, the devil hates truth that manifests the power of God. It really ticks him off. So he's against them. Tongues, Healing, Faith for Finances and all kinds of supernatural power of God issues. Here's Reinhard:

Any doctrine that doesn’t lend itself as conductor of the power of God is a waste of time

Is revival a chance to have a rest from the Great Commission? God doing all the soul saving? Is our evangelism a work of the flesh? Is the proper way of soul-saving to wait for God to enter the field Himself, conquering everyone by sovereign grace, exercising independent omnipotence. Is revival the time when we sit down and watch God at work? Faith for that is faith for what God never promised. He said “Go…and preach the Gospel!” Faith is not just waiting for God to move. Faith is to move for God.
Any doctrine or philosophy that doesn’t lend itself as conductor of the power of God is a waste of time. What difference would it make if some of our theological problems were solved? Would the right answers ever increase the degree of Divine energy? Our mission is power, not routine. Our role is that of power people, laying the power lines into powerless lives. Winning arguments? I love to win souls. Please let’s do it together. Agreed? Love to hear from you. Greetings from Curitiba/Brazil. REINHARD BONNKE

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