Saturday, November 14, 2009

I said long ago that this man had no spine... He now proves it

Obama: President In Search of a Spine

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It’s a lot easier to bow all the time when you haven’t got a spine!

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This would be less embarrassing if this guy were just some star struck American tourist. Could someone please inform him that he is the President of the United States?


rbb said...

Gezzz as long as he was down there why didn't he just go ahead and wash the guys feet.

I think some somewhere did that and got famous for it.

What have you heard?

rbb said...

Today there is a tendency to discount input from older people. However, God has placed wisdom in older people that the young can learn a great deal from. Do not despise input from those who may be considerably older than you. God has placed a level of wisdom in them that can help you avoid major mistakes.

Gene said...

Ha.... I lived and worked in Japan for a while. The art of the bow is important. And they do NOT expect it from Americans. Americans also do not understand that Japanese saying "yes" do not mean they agree, it's substantially, "I hear you".

I don't think it was needful for him to bow and then to bow an inappropriate amount. There is a formula. I thought maybe his people could have told him of the proper protocol. His bow was too deep.

Anyway, it's a detail.... Washing of the feet not essential in this case.

BUT you crack me up Bob. Thanks