Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nightmare in Somalia

Last night for some reason I had a horrible nightmare of what it must be like to live under sharia law or more accurately lawlessness.

Then today I read this article about a 20 year old Somalian woman being stoned to death for adultery. Her boyfriend got 100 lashes.

I guess she was the guilty party and had to die.

I won't go into the dream/nightmare I had, but it involved horrible scenes with death, terror and torture.

I know in the next months there will be contentions that there was terror involved in the interrogation of certain people on trial from Gitmo.

It was nothing like what I saw.

To be honest, I don't believe God, Allah or whomever you invoke is in any of this horror in Somalia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good points. ya, you should just go back to the safety of whining about obama