Sunday, January 03, 2010

This is a Spirit I Recognize. Thought it was a Jezebel Spirit. I was wrong

The Roots of an Absalom Spirit
(Scripture References Based on II Samuel 13:20-29; 14:23-33; and 15:1-12)

An Absalom Spirit is rooted in a basic distrust and resentment of one’s authority--either justifiable or exaggerated. (II Samuel 13:20,21)

An Absalom Spirit is rooted in a basic independence and self dependence--especially as it pertains to honest communication, problem solving, sharing of honest feelings, needs, wants, etc. (II Samuel 13:20)

An Absalom Spirit is rooted in camouflaged bitterness-- unresolved disappointments, fear, anger, impotence, etc. (II Samuel 13:22)

An Absalom Spirit is rooted in irrational secrets--that appear totally rational and justified to "the Absalom." (II Samuel 13:20,22,23)

An Absalom Spirit is rooted in hidden agendas, hidden strategies and hidden alliances. (II Samuel 13:22-29)

Absalom Spirit and Authority
Belief system of an Absalom Spirit...

1. Most authority is not to be trusted.
2. Most authority is incompetent.
3. “I know the right/better way to handle this.”

The Absalom Spirit is rooted in hidden contempt, hidden hatred and hidden revenge--of authority and those under that authority. (ll Samuel 13:22)

Additional Roots of an Absalom Spirit
An Absalom Spirit Is Rooted In Pride (ll Samuel 14:23-26)

An Absalom Spirit is rooted in rebellion--that will grow and grow and become unquenchable. (ll Samuel 14:27-30)

An Absalom Spirit is rooted in a deep-seated desire to be close to/next to/in a place of favor with the one in authority, but not with purity of heart. (ll Samuel 14:30-33)

An Absalom Spirit is rooted in impressing and stealing the hearts of the people who are under authority in order to eventually “dethrone” and replace the one in authority. (ll Samuel 15:1-12)

Manifestations of an Absalom Spirit

Self-promotion. (ll Samuel 15:1)

A carefully constructed and carefully projected image--one that is designed to impress. (ll Samuel 15:1)

Manipulation. (ll Samuel 15:1)

Selfish ambition--disguised to appear as service to others. (ll Samuel 15:2)

Opportunism--self-advancement at the expense of others. (ll Samuel 15:2)

Divisiveness, antagonism, and negative criticism of authorities to promote self. (ll Samuel 15:3)

Rebellion and/or insurrectionism. (ll Samuel 15:4)

False Humility (ll Samuel 15:5)

Thievery--stealing the hearts and loyalty of the people away from their true authority. (ll Samuel 15:6)

Treachery.... This is no innocent disagreement. Absalom is dangerous. (ll Samuel 15:7-10)

Subtle seduction. (ll Samuel 15:11)

Religious hypocrisy and hype. (ll Samuel 15:12) “..while offering sacrifices..”

Betrayal (ll Samuel 15:12)

A Healing For Ahithophel

Later, Ahithopehl joins Absalom's rebellion. Ahithophel means: A brother/kindred: to smear, plaster, slime. A brother to (or those who) smear, slime.

Warning! Absalom is not your friend!

Those of us who have the trust of our leader(s) are targets for an Absalom spirit.

Stay loyal to leaders who are putting their trust in you even if they are not perfect or adequate. Either be loyal or quit.

Confront any Absalom who tries to manipulate you and use you.

Go straight to your leader and tell them about “Absalom” before it is too late for them and for you. (ll Samuel 15:1, 13)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it