Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How do believers position themselves to make a difference?

I was asked how in light of the catastrophe impending that is coming in economic disaster for the city of Chicago, state of Illinois and eventually the whole of the USA and affecting the world, how should believers position themselves to make a difference. I have considered this carefully and have an answer. This won't get you huge offerings, but if you do this you will be in the center of God's will in these days:

Be careful not to believe in political solutions to a spiritual problem. Neither democrats nor republicans are the answer. They are also not equal. You must not consider one to offset another. The truth is truth and a lie is a lie. A half truth is still a lie. Much of politics is half truth. You MUST have a set of moral and fiscal principles with which you measure every thing done by either party.

There is evil in the world and it intends to do you and this nation harm. Some is in the form of false religions like Islam or Hinduism. The philosophies of those falsehoods cannot be compromised against the truth of God. There are evil people who do NOT care about the USA but who use power to influence policy, direction, decisions and will violently remove anyone who gets in the way. They are not intending for you to do good. They are big money types. Some are in Banks. Some are in Wall Street. Some are in Government. Some are in high finance. One such is George Soros. He is a dangerous man and intends this nation harm. If you are going to position yourself you must not be deceived that there are well intentioned people who are doing things because they know better. People in the current administration are trying but in some cases are so far out of their league that they may never find the way out of this morass. You and I are cursed is we place any faith in a man.
This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD. Jeremiah 17:5

There are no quick fixes to this. This is going to be very hard. We will pay now or pay later. The debt and disaster bubbling under the surface is going to be so severe that only a massive collapse can create a new platform upon which you can build your life. There will be no gaming this. There are no angles. Sure there are opportunities. Commodities are hot, for now. Stocks are hot, for now. But it's all thin ice. There is nothing under you as you skate along on the hardened water. Real estate is not going to come back for a long time. Unemployment is going to remain very high. There is no demand for goods and services. Business is stale.

So what can we as believers do to make a difference? Help others see that there is no salvation in voting straight republican or democrat. I think in Chicago the last election, the most discouraging part was the huge democrat vote for Jesse Jackson Jr. in his district. HUGE. For a man who has proven to be unfaithful in so many things. Or for Pat Quinn who was an accidental governor elected because another voted in by huge majorities in spite of obvious scandal, Rob Blagojevich , was voted in by the same voters even after scandal was obvious. The same has been true in the Republican party. I supported and voted for a democrat a decade ago running against George Ryan. Glenn Poshard.
It's not about party, it's about character. It's not about charisma, it's about the values they have.
This is not about Republican or Democrat, it's about knowing and understanding the value of sound leaders with ethical foundations. What can we do? FIND THEM. HELP THEM get into leadership.

Proverbs 29:2 (New Living Translation)

When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, the people groan.

We will need to be positioned to be ready to caution people against deception when it comes. There is going to come a great deception. It is an antichrist spirit that has over and over and over again risen up and deceived many, sometimes the very elect.
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the very elect. Matthew 24:24
Hitler was one such false christ. Anointed to lead. It was driven by economics. People were led to perdition by an evil force promising to deliver them from an economic crash equal to the one to come. We will be very vulnerable when the disaster hits. As leaders we must be ready to guide others not to be deceived.
Mao Tse Tung was one. Leading people by signs and wonders.
When this comes unless those of us as believers are well centered we too could be deceived. Do not believe them when they say, look, here is the christ or there. Just to be clear, the signs and wonders of which I speak are NOT miracles, but in Hitlers case was the mob mentality and the great rallies. People believed. His fame and charisma was a sign and a wonder. And they were led astray.

We are only a heartbeat away from that in our day. I believe that if an evil force should kill many in our government including our President there would arise this person leading us to this hell on earth. You and I must be strong if this happens. Evil wants to destroy us. He wants us under his feet.

What will cure these problems is selflessness. Right now the core mentality in the USA is selfishness. People are tuned into WIFM. Whats in it for me. The whole of the infrastructure will have to change. It must not be political. The cure will not be political. It will be economic. Pensions, social security, medicare, Medicaid, support for needy people will disappear when the day comes as it will.

The rich can't save us. IF we taxed all the rich 100% for the next ten years it's not enough to save us. There is a reason for this. It's adjustment. It's necessary. It's judgment. God's mercy and love comes to us to set us right once again. Everything is broken. Look at the city. Look at the state. Look at the USA. Broke. Now it is time to get our hearts right. Stop promising unearned prosperity. Start preparing people to live in grace of God and in his provision. If we start now when it all comes down we won't be so offended. Jesus said, "blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” Matt 11:6

Prosperity must be in our Soul first. ....as your soul prospers.... It's not about speaking in tongues, it's about becoming secure no matter happens. So we are ready to face whatever tomorrow brings. Many people will be offended by this. Many already are. When the God of all the universe brings things into order people will be angry. There will be suffering. There will be pain. There will be difficulty. YET, if we don't give up or look to someone else to bail us out, there is hope. "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up". Galatians 6:9

Do do otherwise will only frustrate you and me. Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint. Proverbs 23:4

About taxes. I wish we didn't have any. The government before the year 1900 was able to operate mostly from Tariffs and Fees. FULLY. No tax. I know that's hard to understand, but look at this. The site is from the US Treasury department. Not until the government decided it could take money from people to give to other people to structure political power did this become the runaway train it is today. More taxes are NOT the answer. I know that's counter intuitive. Less spending by people trying to create a political power base is. That includes the military. What is needed is for people to do business unshackled in freedom without government looking over it's shoulder. Recently I read an article in the paper about a small store in Chicago that had to throw out all it's product because it didn't have some permit or another to make it. It had followed all the rules but because one jot or tittle was out of place the whole production was shut down.

This sounds right wing. It's not. Its about freedom. Freedom to succeed or fail. Freedom to excel or fall behind. Freedom to achieve or decline. Not by skin color. Not by language. By ability.

We have lost that in this nation and will not get it back until we restore hope and faith once again without the potential for evil to reign over us.

God is in the process of Judging us in Love. If we respond we will overcome. You and I are part of this overcoming. If we do not respond the next step is His wrath. I don't want that and neither do you. We must stop the curse of looking to man for salvation.

You and I have a key role in all this. We are best positioned when we stand for freedom. Taking off the shackles that have bound this nation too long and put into slavery the most precious among us. You have an important job to do. You could have been born ANY TIME. But you were born for this time. NOW, will you be prepared to be the man or woman of God you are called to be when it all comes down?

A song by Misty Edwards says it best:

Baptize My Heart Lyrics

I can hear the song of the Creator as He sings over His creation
I played the flute for You…did You dance?
I sang the wedding song over You … were You romanced?
I played the funeral song and told You my judgments were coming did you lament?
For even children know when to dance!
Even children know the sound of the wedding
Even children know when to repent
At the sound of the funeral they lament!
Baptize my heart with Your fire, Your desire
I don’t want to be offended, I don’t want to be offended
I don’t want to be offended when it’s all coming down
I pledge my allegiance to Jesus
I pledge my allegiance to the Lamb

You can watch it here. The question is, will you be offended when it all comes down? Or do you pledge you allegiance to Jesus, to the Lamb of God. You will have the opportunity to discover where your heart is in all this. The time is nigh.


Ron McK said...

"We are only a heartbeat away from that in our day. I believe that if an evil force should kill many in our government including our President there would arise this person leading us to this hell on earth."

Are you prophesying this?

Gene said...

NO, If this were prophecy I would post it there. BUT, several are saying this is on the horizon. Two years ago I did prophesy that I didn't see Obama finishing his term. WHY? I don't know why. If you look at this blog you will find a link to Loren Sanford's word for 2011. I am concerned. Loren seems to think he won't make it. There is an evil afoot.


I believe that the saints need to pray for the collaboration of 5 key areas: Education, Economics, Politics, the Church, and Family. All 5 of these key systems must be integrated simultaneously with Kingdom structure and strategy to avoid the impending destruction that myself and other men and women of God have seen looming in the Spirit. To avoid any 1 of the 5will certainly result in long term disaster for our country and the world in totality.