Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why Riots keep popping up everywhere in the's a plot

Obama is intentionally fomenting violence

Van Jones is pushing for it

And that's what you do when you have destroyed a nation

We are in big trouble and that's spelled Obama. I fear for our country.


Anonymous1 said...

You are right, Gene. Further, Obama supported and encouraged the leaders of the Egyptian riots.

How's this hope and change going folks? We have chosen evil and are/will pay the price. Human rights concerns in Egypt? How many souls in Egypt does our leader have blood on his hands for? And for what purpose? To enable his anti-semetic beliefs. The trouble has just begun.

Anonymous1 said...

Is Iraq next?

Fallout said...

"Obama is fomenting violence...And that's what you do when you have destroyed a nation."

May I suggest “Trickle Up Poverty” by Michael Savage for those who are inclined to read such books?
I was going to write a defense for suggesting M. Savage because he is so divisive even among conservatives but his work stands on its own.

Savage quote: “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”