Sunday, May 20, 2012

I have been at college baseball games the last couple days. Lots of attendees. Very few sportsmen. Just spectators. I have observed those who are there in a few categories:

--Moms, Dads, uncles, aunts and other relations to the players

--Retired folks with nothing else to do

--Married couples on an outing with the kiddies

--"Experts" on baseball who probably never played in their life. "He shoulda got him out", "he should have hit that ball", "he shoulda caught that" .... They are constantly Shoulding on others is not sanitary

--People who used to coach teams and second guess the coaching...I hear them all the time

--Guys who never played the game but like to be hangers on

The truth is, if you were forced to, from the 5000 attendees there today, we couldn't have fielded a team...including me. The average avoirdupois among .may sports attendees is much higher than average.

Its why I am not a big fan of spectator sports...I seldom go. Don't watch much on TV. If I can't be in the game, I would rather not occupy a seat in the stadium...or the pew in a Church.

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