Friday, July 13, 2012

Another Reason for Poverty Taking instead of Giving

Nobody owes you anything just because you breath and exist. No one else can make you rich. Believing you are entitled to anything will get you nowhere in the meritocracy of the real world. Instead of living life with an expectation to receive from others, discover the joy of giving without the expectation of any return. The rewards you receive will be much more valuable than anything you gave away. Your income leading out of poverty is not determined by what you THINK you deserve, but by the value you bring to others. Every person has an innate value as a human being. The difference is some people deliver more economic value to the marketplace. Focus on the needs of others. How can you help them earn more money, make their life easier, healthier. What problems are they facing that you can help them find the solution to. If you can just help enough other people get what they want, you will get all you need and more. Stop being a taker and begin a life of giving. Try giving yourself away...and watch what happens.

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