Friday, July 13, 2012

Cause of Poverty... An unbalanced view of Money - NOT CARING ABOUT MONEY

At this end of the poverty spectrum are people who piously say, "I don't care about money." That is almost guaranteed to come from someone who is poor. There can be a calling to truly eschew money (see Mother Theresa) yet she had all she ever needed. IF a person doesn't care about something (like money) he will be careless with it. God seems to care about wealth and money, there is more information on money and our proper attitude towards it in the Bible then there is on prayer. Yet, the church spends a lot of time teaching, preaching and engaging in all kinds of prayer. There is even a prayer moment. Perhaps we need to see what HE says about money, it's proper place and what that all means. A Biblical Money Movement. That's probably not going to get much traction.

Telling God you are disinterested in something He seems to care so much about is prideful and foolish. While obsession with money is destructive, neglect of knowing it's nature and influence will be equally destructive.

If disinterest in money is based on Pride, Ignorance or immaturity it yields the same result: it will repel money from your life. If you tell someone "I don't care about you" will he or she stick around?? In fact will he or she even COME to you?

Money like friendship requires time and attention. It takes more time and attention to work hard to not care about money then it does to pay it the proper amount of attention to it. Poverty takes more energy than success.

The other end of the spectrum is caring too much about money. I'll have more on that MONDAY. That is more easily taught and understood. You can probably teach this unbalanced view better than I can. This is a much harder teaching.

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