Sunday, December 09, 2012

I have a friend who is in business. He has a good product with good distribution. He started from scratch. No money. Just a good idea. Now 7 years later many people come to him all the time with checkbooks. Offering all the money he could ever want to finance his future. He turns them down. Likes to own what he has. Here's the point of this post. Some smart entrepreneur can figure out what to do with the damaged and destroyed neighborhoods in Chicago, Detroit, LA and Cleveland. IF the government will get out of his or her way, if the race baiting reverends will stay off their back, if those who depend on keeping the residents of those areas in bondage will step back, he will find all the money he will ever need. All it takes is a good idea. One that demonstrates that it works. One that is clear. One that is an economic miracle. There is lots of money just waiting to find a place to invest in economic engines that make profit and build communities. Who has an idea? It won't happen because of government grants. At one time the economic engine of the community operated well because there was loyalty. It can again. All you need to do now is demonstrate that you have a concept that cash flows.. and YOU are in like Flynn. (only people my age or older know what that means) The HISTORY of Detroit is evidence that it once worked and can again... IF

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