Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Mike Huckabee - they were wrong

As much as I’d love to be loved and admired by all, I can’t defy the definition of marriage any more than I can defy the law of gravity. God created both and at the point I decided to follow Him in my Christian commitment, my life nor its rules belong to me any more.

As for the argument that it’s a matter of equality, let me gently point out that the issue is not equality, but sameness. Equality means intrinsic worth and value and would guarantee one’s right to vote, rent or buy a house, go to school, or receive medical care. But equality of worth doesn’t create sameness.

There are differences between men and women, and votes of Congress nor the Extreme Court can change that. After 39 years of marriage, I won’t pretend that I understand women, but I know there’s a difference.

 Courts said in 1857 that black people weren’t fully human and they were wrong. They said in 1962 that we couldn’t pray in school and they were wrong. In 1973, they said unborn children were disposable and expendable, and 56 million dead children later, they were wrong. And this week, for those of us who believe God created male and female, and who believe what Jesus said that a man shall leave his father and mother and a woman shall leave her home and the two will become one flesh, they were wrong again.

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