Shorter Ann Curry: Your religious beliefs represent hate speech!
Make no mistake about it, this is all about going after the Christian Church. Same-sex marriage, GLAAD's fascist rampages, and all of this Orwellian political correctness is part of long-term goal -- and that's to make Christian beliefs a form of bigotry and to force a left-wing agenda on the church all under a Trojan horse labelled "discrimination."In many respects, Obama forcing the Catholic Church to violate its conscience with respect to providing birth control and abortion drugs through their social service institutions, is a dry run for this. The left wants to know if they can persuade the American people that a non-existent right (in this case, free birth control) trumps a First Amendment that declaratively restricts the government from impeding on the free exercise of religion.
The obvious next step will be to attempt an end-run around the First Amendment by declaring as bigoted the Church's refusal to marry same-sex couples. They will also attempt to declare as hate speech any belief held by the church that in any way angers GLAAD.
What Ann Curry did to Kirk Cameron this morning is the first phase of that war: The shaming campaign. On national television she brought the actor on to declare his religious beliefs hate speech that will encourage others to "mistreat gay people."
We all know what the next step is, and that's the outlawing of these opinions under the principle that the speaking of such things will cause harm to others.
This, of course, would mean the end to the church -- which is the whole idea.
'Hate Speech': NBC's Ann Curry Attacks Kirk Cameron's Religious Beliefs
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