Saturday, August 17, 2013

The day will come

Our President and his administration have been picking and choosing the laws and regulations they will and will not enforce. For example, they have stood aside and not upheld the defense of marriage law, Gays in the military, The immigration laws as are on the books, Labor Laws, abrogating the bankruptcy laws as they decide without any concern for how the legal system works. They have used money to support unions and crony capitalists (Solyndra) without regard for the legal implications. The vote abuse and lack of enforcement is over the top with a wink and a nudge from the justice department.

That is the way it is, for now. He is the President and thinks he has the power of the office to decide without consideration for the law of the land which laws to enforce or not. That day will come to an end. In 5 years, 10 years or when Conservatives will come to power they will follow suit with a vengeance. They will double down on the lawlessness of these actions. Like a rubber band that is stretched too far, there will come a day of real reckoning.

The list of laws that the conservatives will simply not enforce will be remarkable and long lasting.

Environmental Laws... Gone
Labor Laws... Gone
ATF regulations ... Gone
OSHA Law... Gone
Gays in the Military... Gone
Voting rights act... Gone
Open Borders... Gone
Banking and investment over-regulation... Gone
SNAP Program... Gone
Long term unemployment benefits... Gone
Unlimited welfare... Gone
Disability abuse...Gone

I may not like this list but when you push too much, you get backlash and there is a HUGE appetite for blowing away many of the restrictive laws that are not just an irritant, but are considered by many to be wrong.

Good for the Goose, Good for the Gander. That's the old saying.

In politics, when Karma comes around it can be brutal.

Conservatives will come to power, and when they do the rubber band will SNAP and when it does... hang on to your hat.

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