Friday, October 18, 2013

A Complete New Faith Being Pushed On America -- At Taxpayer Expense --- by Bob Larimer

I think that a man and a woman are fundamentally different in the way that they think, in the way they respond emotionally, in their physical features and capabilities, in the way that they relate to others.
I believe that a young school boy who wiggles, plays hard and has difficulty concentrating is a boy, not a specimen who needs 'medication' to force him to act like a school girl.
I think that the Constitution was written to deliberately restrain the federal government, to maintain a small government and encourage an independently-living, free population and to prevent the merging of political power into one all-powerful, irresistable entity. 
I think that gun ownership and the freedom of the everyday citizen to carry firearms are specifically guaranteed in the Second Amendment. 
I think that an unborn child is the most helpless and voiceless person among us, and that to kill that child is to ignore everything that is really important about being a human being, and about being an American.
I think that homosexuality is a sexual preference that defies the way male and female body parts were designed, and that though it may be allowed in society,  it should never have been given political power to silence or punish opposition or to indoctrinate other people's public school children, and that it should never have been lumped in with genuine 'Equality.' 
I think that without economic freedom a citizen does not really possess any other real freedom, and that the only precedent for 'equitable redistribution of wealth and resources' is socialist or communist rule which has proven to be vicious and lethal to citizens, and those who push for 'income equality' or 'redistribution' in our society are really advocating the death of free enterprise and private property.
I believe that a citizen who works hard and gains success and wealth should be allowed to make his own decisions about spending, whether on his own family or others, and should not be punished by being stripped of his earnings and forced to 'donate' to the swiftly-growing, willfully idle segment of his society.
I think that a nation's borders, language and culture distinguish it from all other nations and that to willfully dilute or purposely dismantle any of these features is to inevitably dismantle the nation. 
I think that teaching other people's school children to 'celebrate diversity' by elevating other nations to America's unique status is to rob children of their real heritage and to actively agitate against our nation's supremacy and survival. 
I think that if any of our laws are to be respected and obeyed by a self-governing citizenry, then foreign citizens who illegally slip inside our borders are law-breakers by specific Constitutional definition, that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, that they should be permanently deported as swiftly as possible, and that politicians or officials who can be shown to have enabled these lawbreakers to remain in the country and commit further crimes, and to defraud America's educational, medical and economic institutions should be removed from power and forced to pay restitution to taxpayers. 
I think that when a president uses 'executive orders' and other overt and covert end-runs around the separate powers of Congress and the courts, he should be held accountable and impeached.
I think that when a president participates in a political cover-up such as the Benghazi massacre, Operation Fast and Furious or I.R.S. oppression of law-abiding citizens based on political motivation, that president should be removed from office.
I think that when a president authorizes the sale or transfer of weapons of war to 'moderate Al Qaeda forces' and provides these under cover of 'helping moderate rebels' in a foreign nation (Syria), he is directly supplying aid and comfort to a stated foreign enemy and should therefore be tried for Treason. 
I think that when a dominant media culture quietly supports a president in giving aid and comfort to our enemies, in weakening and punishing our military and veterans and in attacking innocent citizens because of their dissenting opinions or affiliation with legitimate organizations or movements such as the TEA Party, such news organizations should no longer receive news consumer's trust or support and should be ignored for the cynical, dishonest propagandists that they are. 
I think that Christianity, as taught in the Holy Bible, is a belief system which elevates humanity, encourages peace and understanding, changes human hearts for the good, spontaneously stimulates charitable giving and rescue operations both at home and abroad, and is a stabilizing and civilizing influence on society.
I think that Islam is a cult of death that is almost solely responsible for all modern, worldwide, significant terrorist attacks, that encourages Koran-approved lying (al Taqqiya) in order to fool and weaken non-muslims, that has never swerved from its original goals of forcing a global Caliphate on all citizens everywhere on the planet, that has infiltrated and influenced the present administration and that will, if allowed, force more and more of its beliefs on free citizens in local communities in America, exemplified by Shariah banking, Shariah law, Sharia dress, Shariah accommodation in public schools, and open hostility to traditional American values and beliefs.
I believe that America's educational institutions, both public school and university level, have been infiltrated by a one-way belief system (Humanism) that is systematically purging Christian faith from our nation in favor of a new, politically correct, secularized, government-dependent belief system that will grow and perpetuate the elitist, Ruling Class approach to governing society.
Finally, I believe that because I believe these things, I am no longer welcome in my own country.
May God Have Mercy On America, the nation that no longer trusts Him and instead, mocks Him.

No one takes on a public policy stance without some firmly held belief, some foundational principle or worldview which they embrace, and from which they reason.

What has been happening in our society for decades is a titanic battle between two powerful, competing worldviews.
Unfortunately, one of those worldviews has had the advantage of pretending to be a 'reasonable' belief that is 'free from religion,' and which has gained access to your tax dollars. We have been financing a takeover by a Christianity-replacing faith. The new PC faith, the belief system of true-believing liberals, is actually a thoroughly developed, reasonable-sounding worldview. It is self-identified as a "Bold new faith" which must be "Established" in "All mankind's institutions and associations," in Humanist Manifesto I.

Many citizens see the symptoms and the effects, but most people do not realize that there is a battle of major cultural significance, an all-out tug-of-war of ethics and ideology, happening in America. But the battle seems to be going to the progressive/Humanist side:

This is how the new secular/progressive 'faithful' are organized and how they behave:

The ACLU are the legal enforcers of the new faith (Obedience), brandishing their flaming secular legal sword at any slightest whiff of Christianity that dares to pop up anywhere in public life.

The ACLU has been very visible and vocal in public policy struggles, though most citizens are mystified by the motives and strange positions taken by this so-called defender of 'rights.' The ACLU goes to court to enforce 'separation of church and state' found, NOT in America's Constitution, but found in the Humanist Manifestos and the old, failed Soviet Constitution, Article 52:

"The church shall be separate from the state, and the schools from the church." 
It is ironic, insulting and tragic that we finance a school system that enforces this Soviet version of our 'rights.'

The ACLU and Humanism are philosophically and historically tied together.

Roger Baldwin, ACLU founder, stated categorically: "Communism is the goal!" He refused for the rest of his life to modify or retract this statement.

"In later years Baldwin occasionally wrote for The Humanist. On one occasion he reviewed a book for The Humanist by Corliss Lamont whose credentials as a Humanist include being named "Humanist of the Year" for 1977, being signatory to Humanist Manifesto II, and serving as honorary president of the AHA. Baldwin gave this evaluation of Lamont's book: "It reads like an expanded annual report of the Civil Liberties Bureau."(6) In addition to Lamont's Humanist affiliations, he also sat on the ACLU board for many years, thus further demonstrating the compatibility of Humanism and the ACLU. (Eventually, Lamont did reject the ACLU because of its stand against communism.) Baldwin served as Director of the ACLU until 1949, but thereafter continued to influence the Union as a member of the National Advisory Council." -- Mainstream News Media, Alphabet TV Networks, Big Print Journalists are the 'Ministers of Truth' (Preachers) of the new faith, and publishers of the will of the Democrat party.  Recent evidence is the unashamed gratitude from Joe Biden and other Democrats for Lamestream 'news' media advocacy of anti-Constitution 'gun control' measures. Old-school journalists would be repulsed by such praise from government representatives.Modern 'journalists' actually bask in it, preening over their politically correct 'reporting.'  Anyone who knows what journalism is supposed to be, how they are supposed to use First Amendment Freedom of the Press to scrutinize and expose government, should be sickened by Lamestream 'news' preachers.

'Gay rights' activists are the shock troops (Onward, true-believing soldiers), the politically astute, PC Inquisitors, the aggressive vanguard of the Humanists. Dare to question their 'Diversity!' mantra and you will face rage and possible lawsuits.  How far will they push you?  As far as they can.

Environmental extremists are the preening, 'righteousness' arm of the Humanists, 'saving the planet' (Salvation) whether you want their messianic ministry and their Big Brother home-peeping and regulation of your shower head, your light bulbs, your grocery bags, and garbage-monitoring e-chips forced on you or not.  Insisting that we leave our own vast natural gas, coal and oil resources in the ground, so we can become third-world beggars like the rest of the 'world community.' And their beliefs are killing our economy, as we enrich our enemies. "Sustainable" is a worship word that means regulate you, tax you and diminish your quality of life, all for a hoax:

The 'Choice' crowd makes certain that the blood of innocent unborn children (Rituals) is offered up to their cause. Their noble efforts are not to be questioned, and regarding their ghoulish practices...just do not think about the 50 Million babies butchered so far.  Those defending abortion must defend the acts of this man, and laugh with him about the ease of killing the innocent:

Big Government, Obamacare (Ministering to the Sick) will create disastrous results, with years-long waiting lists, neglected and abused patients and IRS-controlled death panels, but many will still believe that government is their good shepherd: It has already been tested. We know the results of nationalized healthcare.But faith is more important...

Gun Control - (Peace and Love)  Every school shooter violates multiple layers of existing gun laws, but the progressive/Humanist true-believer is convinced that making even more laws to restrict Constitutional Freedoms -  will somehow enforce a 'just', peaceful and loving society and school environment.


Giving back - Liberal politicians enforce charitable 'tithing' (Sacrificial giving) through confiscatory taxation, scolding about 'fairness' and equitable 'redistribution' of wealth and resources, then use the money to advance Humanist principles and grow their influence through tyrannical public policies.

Taxpayer-financed education - K-12 and university - provide training in the correct manner of thinking and behaving  (Sunday School 5 days per week, and Missionary outreach), constantly demonstrating or subtly hinting that Christianity is primitive, dangerous, irrelevant or 'harmful,' and sanitizing any last vestige of a Christian heritage from our society, and teaching students to earnestly -  erroneously - chant that "America was founded on freedom from religion!"

Teachers Unions - from the N.E.A. and down through outspoken activists in their state and local unions - and 'International Unions' are the fraternal organizations (Faith-based organizations) associated with the Religious Left, they give votes, money and activist shoe leather to the Humanist movement. They are also the most powerful, influential lobbyists in D.C. and your state Legislature, making all kinds of legislation, not just education, their business. Politicians are ordinarily afraid to defy them. That is one of the reasons for their vitriol and outrage against Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin:

"I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers that correctly perceive their role as proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being... The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and new -- the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent with the promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of 'love thy neighbor' will finally be achieved." -- "A Religion For A New Age," The Humanist magazine, January-February 1983 [Volume 43, Number 1]
For any who remain skeptical about the influence of Humanism on education, just plug in the terms Life Long Learning, a comma, and Humanism into Google. You will get a tremendous amount of documentation that will demonstrate just how fully saturated with this new belief system all branches of education - and the training of educators - really are.

The dominant media culture - and entertainment media - are the high priests of the faith (Evangelism), always attacking the 'Religious Right,' but never once doing an expose' on the 'Religious Left.' Have you ever seen a 'news' program about the Religious Left?

Gatherings of Humanist-indoctrinated faithful (Worship services), usually involve someone quoting disjointed poetry about someone's village and someone elses' children, or chanting protests and Humanist mantras. They can include inspiring music by special guests, and ghastly spectacles such as those screaming, chanting crowds, wearing theme T-shirts at the memorial services of innocent people gunned down in Arizona.

The gathering at the Capitol Mall in Wisconsin, complete with the Communist Party marching in solidarity with teachers unions and 'international unions,' along with Barack Hussein Obama's own campaign organization (Organizing For America), are also participating in a noisy worship service. Their self-righteousness is on full display. Not much decorum or solemn assembly at such services? Well, it is after all, a different kind of faith.

As Michelle Malkin points out in "Teachers Union 101 -- A Is For Agitation": “Agitation,” of course, is a full-time job for teachers union officials in New York and across the country. As the New York Post reported exclusively this week, the city Department of Education compensates some 1,500 teachers for their union activities and also subsidizes other teachers who take their places in the classroom:

“It’s a sweetheart deal that costs taxpayers an extra $9 million a year to pay fill-ins for instructors who are sprung — at full pay — to carry out responsibilities for the United Federation of Teachers.”

The UFT soldiers “collect top pay and fringe benefits, but work just one class period a day.” Nice non-work if you can get it. NYSUT, by the way, is the parent of the double-dipping UFT, which itself rakes in $126 million in member dues — but only reimburses the city less than $1 million out of the $9 million it costs to take teachers out of the classroom to serve at the altar of Big Labor.

UFT is also a chapter of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which spent nearly $2 million on the election of President Barack Obama in 2008. (In return, you may recall, the Obama administration granted the UFT one of its coveted health care Waivers for Favors last year — exempting the behemoth union in a sweetheart deal from the federal mandate’s costly rules on phasing out annual health coverage limits.)

The forced-dues racket is big business for teachers unions crying poor. In Ohio, the state’s education association siphoned nearly $23 million from rank-and-file school workers to fatten up its union staff. The Ohio Education Association donated more than $1.6 million to Democratic campaigns last year and tossed off five-figure checks each to union and progressive allies in Oregon, Colorado and Policy Matters Ohio, a left-wing think tank funded by radical billionaire George Soros.

At the federal level, the National Education Association squandered $13 million in teachers’ dues on every pet liberal cause and crony from the AFL-CIO ($150,000) and AFSCME ($90,000), to the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate ($200,000), Media Matters for America ($100,000) and the White House brigade at Health Care for America Now! ($450,000).

The goals of the teachers union machine are not academic excellence, professional development and fairness. As former NEA official John Lloyd explained it: “You cannot possibly understand NEA without understanding Saul Alinsky. If you want to understand NEA, go to the library and get ‘Rules for Radicals.’”

The goals are student indoctrination, social upheaval and perpetual agitation in pursuit of bigger government and spending without restraint. No wonder the signature “solidarity” color of the teachers union protests this month is red."

To see the overwhelming influence of Humanist beliefs on higher education, teaching teachers what to believe and teach, do a Google search on this:

'Life long learning, Humanism'

You will be amazed at the vast amount of 'legitimate' material being pumped at those who will have influence, and who will teach children. 

Some, of course, come right through our taxpayer-financed Department of Education:

"Humanistic Education For Life-Long Learning" 

"There is growing in the United States what might modestly be called a movement towards humanistic education."

UNM Division of Continuing Education’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Course #19845 - Humanism: Secular World View, Section SAA

Part I: What is Humanism?
Part II: Humanism and Democracy
Part III: Evolution of the Human Social Order
Part IV: A Very Brief History Humanist Thought
Part V: Are Science & Reason Always the Answer? 

But the appearance of Humanism and its focus in education are just localized and temporary, right?


It is a major focus, and has been for decades, at the United Nations:

"Since its creation in 1945, UNESCO’s mission has
been to contribute to the building of peace, poverty
eradication, lasting development and intercultural
dialogue, with education as one of its principal
activities to achieve this aim. The Organization’s other
elds of action include the natural sciences, the social
and human sciences, culture, and communication
and information.
Today, UNESCO is committed to a holistic and
humanistic vision of quality education worldwide..."

"It acts as a powerful tool to achieve UNESCO’s
priorities and increase the Organization’s visibility.
ASPnet’s priorities are to promote EFA and disseminate
examples of quality education in practice, with an
emphasis on education for sustainable development,
peace and human rights, and intercultural learning. The
network further serves as an international laboratory for
new educational practices which reinforce the humanistic,
ethical and international dimensions of education." is all faith-based.
In Humanist Manifesto II we find the ultimate goal: "World Community TWELFTH: We deplore the division of humankind on nationalistic grounds. We have reached a turning point in human history where the best option is to transcend the limits of national sovereignty and to move toward the building of a world community in which all sectors of the human family can participate. Thus we look to the development of a system of world law and a world order based upon transnational federal government. This would appreciate cultural pluralism and diversity."

Lest anyone think this taxpayer-financed push is an undocumented claim, here's an elected representative speaking plainly about it:

In the meantime, the naive and uninformed (Through purposeful censorship by 'news' media and the edustocracy), are trampled, totally overwhelmed by the insistent, uniform, relentless nature of this full-scale, taxpayer-financed attack on traditional American values and Bible-believing Christianity.{Having been involved in exposing Humanist beliefs since the early 80's, my personal experience is that 'news' media and educators will stonewall, deny or attack, when confronted with information on Humanism and its influence}

All of the groups above consistently chant the 'Diversity, Choice, World Community, Cultural Pluralism, Consenting Adults, Redistribution, Separation' mantras of the Humanist Manifestos. If you study the issue, you will find that none of these PC worship words were used in 'the news,' in city councils, county commissions, state legislatures, Congress, the courts, public schools and college campuses, entertainment, music or public policy battles until AFTER the Humanist Manifestos were promulgated, first in 1933, then revised and expanded in 1973.

The outcomes of the influence of Humanist goals and beliefs on American society have been devastating:

  The old Christian ethic still lingers in America, and its verifiable, historical basis can not be hidden or denied.  Secular progressive 'historians' argue strenuously that America has never been a 'Christian nation' and that our Founders were skeptical of religion and deliberately 'neutral' toward Christianity. This is the view taught in our public schools, across the nation.

In the Declaration of Independence, however, the Founders made their highest appeal to our Creator for their just cause, noting that all mankind's Liberty comes from Him.

After the Revolution, they struggled to find a form of government that would provide freedom from tyranny, limit government's powers and offer the most opportunity for citizens to 'pursue happiness.'  And aged and wise Benjamin Franklin rose to address the Continental Congress and remind them of the help that was available to them:

Delivered Thursday, June 28, 1787, Philadelphia, PA

"Mr. President:
The small progress we have made after 4 or five weeks close attendance & continual reasonings with each other -- our different sentiments on almost every question, several of the last producing as many noes as ays, is methinks a melancholy proof of the imperfection of the Human Understanding. We indeed seem to feel our own wont of political wisdom, since we have been running about in search of it. We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of those Republics which having been formed with the seeds of their own dissolution now no longer exist. And we have viewed Modern States all round Europe, but find none of their  Constitutions suitable to our circumstances.
In this situation of this Assembly groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when to us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings? In the beginning of the contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the Divine Protection. -- Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending providence in our favor. To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance.
I have lived, Sir, a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth -- that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings that "except the Lord build they labor in vain that build it." I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall be become a reproach and a bye word down to future age. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human Wisdom, and leave it to chance, war, and conquest.
I therefore beg leave to move -- that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that service."  --Benjamin Franklin

Would Benjamin Franklin have quoted Jesus Christ, would he have reminded the Founders of answered prayers, would he have made such a speech, if he really did not believe in God?

After an exhaustive search of America's official documents, speeches and even private letters, the United States Supreme Court made this statement:

“These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation.”   --U. S. Supreme Court 1892.   They may not have had computers or Google, but the court used available documents and the best research techniques of their day and came to this conclusion.     Our forefathers came to these shores “For the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith,”  (Mayflower Compact), when the Church of England attempted to force Bible-believers to only preach and hear government-approved sermons.  Their firm resolve and impulse for Freedom eventually resulted in a world-changing Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights which listed first of all, freedom of faith-based beliefs:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”     With our own tax dollars and government power, the burden of a new faith of ‘Diversity’ that actually insists on conformity to the beliefs of secular progressive ideology is now being unilaterally dropped on our shoulders.   Shall we participate and be shackled by a new, government-approved faith, or shall we take our stand with all People of the Book, rejecting dictatorial government edicts that require us to violate our own beliefs?An example of how the secular faith works out in public policies:

Having been shown these things, no one can plead ignorance or attempt to employ false equivalences regarding the Religious Right and the Religious Left. Can you guess why you've never read, heard or seen a 'news' story exposing the Religious Left? Why would religious fanatics expose their own destructive goals?

America's future hinges on which worldview our society ultimately embraces. If we allow the wrong choice to be thrust on us, we will not survive as a nation. The Humanist movement is evil, manipulative, tyrannical and wholly dishonest. It will destroy us if we allow it.

When you hear 'Diversity' being chanted, know that Humanism is being preached.

For those who doubt the existence of this new religion, here is how they style themselves in a soon-to-be-launched national advertising campaign:

Note that the new evangelists do not simply push their new faith, they first attack Bible-believing Christianity with out-of-context quotes. But at least they are finally coming out in the open, instead of indoctrinating from behind the scenes as they have done for decades.

Still skeptical that Humanism is a religion? See Torcaso v. Watkins, U.S. Supreme Court, 1961, where Justice Black remarks that Atheism and Humanism are indeed religious beliefs.

The Humanist logo
You will see it in various forms in public school and college 'art'
The Humanist logo You will see it in various forms in public school and college 'art'

You are only a 'good' and 'reasonable' student if you agree with the radical homosexual political agenda
You are only a 'good' and 'reasonable' student if you agree with the radical homosexual political agenda

In the same way, 'new' educational programs and initiatives are simply the previous socialist/Humanist ones, with the old label pulled off, and a new label stuck on
In the same way, 'new' educational programs and initiatives are simply the previous socialist/Humanist ones, with the old label pulled off, and a new label stuck on
The Humanist logo
You will see it in various forms in public school and college 'art'
The Humanist logo You will see it in various forms in public school and college 'art'
You are only a 'good' and 'reasonable' student if you agree with the radical homosexual political agenda
You are only a 'good' and 'reasonable' student if you agree with the radical homosexual political agenda
In the same way, 'new' educational programs and initiatives are simply the previous socialist/Humanist ones, with the old label pulled off, and a new label stuck on
In the same way, 'new' educational programs and initiatives are simply the previous socialist/Humanist ones, with the old label pulled off, and a new label stuck on
Yes, it is a purposeful thing
Yes, it is a purposeful thing

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