Sunday, January 26, 2014

You cannot impart what you don't possess.

We know this is true spiritually, We know that a person who doesn't have a higher dimension cannot bring us higher. YET.. in education, in mentoring, in training we accept inferior inexperienced instruction based on some managed credential. I see so many people being trained in things by people without the background nor understanding to help them move ahead.

You will emulate those who you believe have trained you in what they know. IF they are NOT demonstrating sustained success in the thing they are training, mentoring, teaching you; you will not be elevated by them.

Be careful who you allow your future to be formed by. Not every teacher, trainer or mentor I have had in life was worth my time. Some wasted it. This from a man who has nearly 3 score and ten.... and has earned the right to make this observation.

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