Monday, August 11, 2014

Faith in the wrong things is worse than no faith at all.

 I think of the priests of Baal dancing around the altar on MT. Carmel. They had faith. Faith in the wrong thing. I am convinced that they really believed that Baal would come thru. They were committed. They didn't think it was a scam. They expected Fire to Fall and consume the sacrifice. I suspect as the day wore on they became more and more disappointed. They were sincere in every way, full of faith.. in the wrong thing.

They are often called deceivers, misleaders, corrupt, evil. I thing Deceived and Delusional is more accurate. It is very very hard for those who are not of God to understand what it means when you put your faith in something.

I have a list of misplaced faith in today's world:
Faith in Government
Faith in Ourselves
Faith in a Spouse
Faith in money
Faith in a Church
Faith in a Spiritual Leader
Faith in a Scam, that Nigerian Prince or the Dinar that is gonna pay big

Faith in anything other than the living God is misplaced faith and will lead to disappointment. It is good to have faith in Leaders, our Spouse or such.. but make sure it is subordinate to your faith in GOD.

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