Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wimpy Wimpy Wimpy

Did you ever know a kid in school that was wimpy, winy and weak. You felt sorry for him. You wanted to help him, but it was many times easier to ignore him, be quietly critical (why doesn't he try a little harder) or keep your distance. He was too needy. Too hard to give a rip about. Not that you were trying to be cruel, but you only have so much time and whenever you invested in a guy like that he bit you, he was mean, he rejected your advance to help. SO.. it was easier to stay away. Leave him alone.

Today I got this imagery by the Holy Ghost that's how most of the secular world sees the Church in the USA. Cranky needy, wimpy, weak and full of self pity. We just aren't a player any more. Without power. Without influence.

So what are we going to do about it?

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