Saturday, September 27, 2014

Who will stand against the coming tyranny?

Despite the tremendous cost of opposing Hitler, many Germans did oppose and resist Nazi ideology and Hitler in some-way. Many of these people are lost to history. As soon as Hitler assumed power, he was ruthless in rounding up political opponents and putting them in concentration camps. These are some of the more famous opponents who resisted Hitler and the Nazi ideology. NOW WHO among us will resist the coming tyranny. Shaming authority who abuse power to oppress? Police out of control, corrupt politicians, business interests who abuse, power hungry taxing authorities, bureaucracies designed to hold you down, cultural icons who tell you that opposing gay marriage and such is wrong and the tyranny of peer pressure.  IS your face and name going to be on that list someday even at the cost of your life. Those who did stand against tyranny in large part lost their lives.
A selection of German people who resisted Hitler and the Nazi's - inc. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Sophie Scholl, M.Niemoller, Claus von Stauffenberg, O Schindler

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