Thursday, January 22, 2015

Funny, none of this was mentioned Tuesday night.. at the SOTU talk.

*Record high unemployment (92 million Americans unemployed)
*4 million people have been out of work for more than six months (three times the pre-recession average)
*$17.3 trillion in debt (and growing)
*63% labor participation rate (the lowest rate since 1978)
*47.6 million Americans on food stamps (twice the level under President Bush or Clinton)
*6.7 million more Americans in poverty now than at the start of the Obama Administration

AND about that working together and cooperating and sharing ideas thingy... remember these facts .. NO REPUBLICAN voted for Obamacare. Zero. That didn't stop the Dems from ramming it down our throat. NO REPUBLICAN voted for the Stimulus giveaway... not one. YET the Dems rammed it down our throat. So don't buy into the fantasy that Obama has any intention of compromise, discussion or sharing ideas. He has only one, and it's not yours. So when the whining starts, ignore it.

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