Friday, May 06, 2016

7 Compelling Stories Hollywood Won't Touch

Ask anyone connected to Hollywood and they'll tell you the same thing.

Tell a great story.

Simple. Straightforward.armageddon-stories

That’s certainly true … to an extent. Certain stories are far more appealing to Hollywood

screenwriters than others.

Sometimes we get competing projects on the same theme. Remember the “dueling asteroid” films from the 1990s? Or how studios raced to make Janis Joplin biopics … until no actual movie materialized?

There are other reasons why some stories don’t grab screenwriters’
imaginations. Their content is, shall we say, inconvenient to their

Consider the following seven subjects. Each packs a storytelling
wallop. Drama. Tension. Scandal. Intrigue. Pain. Loss. Yet here’s
betting we won’t see a feature on these true stories any time soon.

They don’t fit the liberal narrative. Not one bit.

7 Compelling Stories Hollywood Won't Touch - Hollywood in Toto

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