Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Anything built on Lies and Deception will Fall

As I have watched all the sickness on display during the trial of President Trump, I know this.  The capacity of humans to distort and twist truth is beyond belief.  

Here's what didn't happen.  No insurrection took place.  A few nuts with viking hats and zip ties came to the capital.  They were in their view trying to prevent a coup of the US Government.  They believed as I do that the election of Joe Biden is fraudulent and illegal.  Yet it happened. THAT IS a coup.

Yet I did not go to Washington DC.  I did not enter the capital building.  I think the people that did were out of control.  They were responding to an out of control election fraught with corruption.  

You may not agree, but that is your opinion.  One I don't share.

If there were an actual insurrection there would have been an attempt to take power from the Government.  That didn't happen.  

What did happen is a fraud riddled election fomented a soft coup and took  power from the legitimate government.  That did not go unchallenged.  

How that all washes out will be revealed... we must not let this happen ever again.  Not an invasion of the capital building, by anyone including Black Lives Matter or Antifa.  And we must never let the coup of a legitimate government take place by fraudulent means happen again.  

Free and Fair elections.

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