Thursday, February 11, 2021

Big Tech is VILE

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson takes to the pages of the Wall Street Journal today to reveal that YouTube has actually started censoring video from US Senate hearings.

Since March of last year, the China virus — its origins, spread, therapies, and preventive measures — has become of intense concern to the tech platforms that can effectively control what is said and how it is said in this country. What should have been public debate on the subject of mask wearing, lockdowns, and potential therapies has been effectively shut down. Given that the public health establishment has demonstrated that it is singularly incompetent, if not actually malicious, in how it has reacted to the Wuhan virus, the decision to stomp on the public discussion is indefensible. It is all the more so when Big Tech decides that the American people cannot be allowed to see a government-produced video of a public hearing of a US Senate Committee.


All the news that's fit to censor


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