This Historical perspective is reviewed here.
- God Creates the heavens and the Earth Billions of years ago, He creates life. He creates Beings. Some Human like, others mysterious and unknown today.
- A great catastrophe happens, all life is destroyed. Earth Desolate and Dark 80,000BC
- God restores light, life, creates the new Garden of Eden and Man in the garden. 15-25000 years ago
- Adam and Eve emerge from the Garden between the Tigris and Euphrates 5800bc
- Ancient peoples live in the area and many migrate away from there 5800-3640BC
- The great flood takes place 3637bc Mesopotamia Flood legends hold this date as well
- The climate changes radically. 3600-3500bc A garden becomes a desert.
- Prosperity and population increases from Noah's offspring 3600-3100bc
- The tower of Babel is built. 3100bc
- Peoples are dispersed worldwide along with a knowledge of God. 3100BC-2340bc
- The land of Iraq (Sumerians) comes under contention Sargon and the Arkadian Empire 2340bc
- Abraham is instructed to leave the county of Ur which is still in Iraq. 2100bc
- More wars. Babylonian empire 1. Hammarabi 1700bc
- Nebecanezzer 1 takes control 1119-1098bc Babylon reigns
- Chaldeans conquert the area of Mesopotamia (Iraq) 800BC and rule until thd Assyrians
- The Assyrians posses part of the land for a while and then lose it back to the Persians. 700bc
- The capital city of Nineveh capital of Assyria is warned by Jonah to repent. 652bc
- It does for a while 652-620 It backslides
- Ninevah is destroyed in BC 612..
- Persia takes control briefly (Darius) then loses it. 595bc
- Kings of Babylon emerge.Nebecanezzer takes much of Israel and Judah into captivity 604-562bc
- Babylon built up on the Tower Ruins 582BC
- When Babylon falls Jews return to Israel 525bc
- Iraq falls back into civil war and is conquered several times 500-200bc
- For 900 + years Iraq becomes part of the Persian Empire (Iran) 200bc-700ad
- 7th century Persia loses Iraq to the Muslims who conquer the land
- Various Muslim Kings and Caliph’s rule 700-1500ad
- Turkmen conquer Iraq and hold it from 15th century until early 20th
- The British invade Mesopotamia and take it from the Turkish Ottoman Empire in war. (not the same as Turkmen who are from Turkmenistan area) 1912
- British carve up the country'’s oil reserves leaving nothing for the Iraqi'’s 1920
- The Kurds are promised a homeland but get nothing. 1933
- The British set up puppet rulers. 1921-1958 Several reign and fall
- 1945 Iraq joins the UN (still basically a British protectorate)
- Kuwait spits off of Iraq which was a “State” up till then 1961
- Rebellion hits. Jordan is involved. The rulers are killed, hung, butchered 1961-1970
- 1961 Independence from Britain for Iraq
- 27 military coups. Bathists in Bathists out. Bakar takes control 1965
- Saddam Hussein emerges and succeeds Bakur in 1979
- 1980-88 Iran Iraq war. Over Land. Iran tries to take Iraq. War ends Iraq Broke.
- Flat Broke, he goes for broke, Saddam invades Kuwait to take it back.
- Gulf war. 1990
- UN Sanctions completely destroy economy 1991-2000
- Iraqi War 2003
- Saddam Toppled 2003
- 2005 First Free Elections.
I bore you with all this to say, this is a land that has been under a long cursed history. There is no peace. There never has been. Countries in order who have some actual rights to it are 1. Turkey 2. Iran 3. Jordan
All of these things are unintended consequences for meddling and greed particularly on the part of the British. In the past it has been about oil.
But, for the first time in HISTORY the potential of a self-governed people exists. It has never ever happened before, nor has such a chance ever been.
If it works, perhaps the curse will be broken. Long view starts in the Garden of Eden. If you ever have any trouble reading the Old Testament, study Iraqi history and then Study many of the books of the Old Testament. Much took place on this bloody ground. It reads like a newspaper.
I believe that this war and its aftermath is metaphysical and prophetic in scope. Far beyond what any news talking head can grasp. Read Revelations, consider Germany and Japan'’s emergence in power after WWII. Then consider Iraq.
Babylon Babylon.
Read your Bible, it'’s true.
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