Friday, July 01, 2005

Booster Rockets in Life

Some people are a booster rocket for you, and sometimes you are a booster rocket for others. With you for a while and then they drop away or drop you away. Not out of spite, not out of anger but out of necessity. A booster rocket becomes a burden if it stays too long. Todd Beery told me that years ago. I never forgot it.

Last night a booster rocket from my past called. Merrill Oster. We talked a little business and a lot of Jesus. It was wonderful.

I would not be where I am for good or bad without his brief boost in my life. I hope in some way I was that for him.

I think of many good men and women who were booster rockets for me. Bob, Dan, Claire, Earl, Loehle, Steven, and many others.

I hope I have been a booster rocket to others. I get letters and emails from people who make that claim. I’ll take it.

I still have fuel in the old tank. I continue to look for opportunities to saddle on and boost until my usefulness is finished. I want to do this until I die.

I do mourn for the old days sometimes when I was a booster for someone and then the relationship passed. But I look forward to the new ones.

Ol Zig Ziglar said, you'll get everything you want in this life when you help enough other people get what they want.

Need a boost?

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