Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bad Religion and Global Warming

There is a volcano on the big island of Hawaii. If you take slag from it you will have bad luck. I took some; sure enough I had bad luck. So see there, it works.

In older times if there were a drought or other crop failures they would sacrifice virgins by throwing them alive into the Volcano. This was supposed to appease the gods of the earth and by this sacrifice made everyone feel better.

I can hear those priests at dinner after a particularly sacrificial day with lots of virgins, “” Boy, I hope that does some good. Maybe we’ll get a break and we won’t be next into the caldron””. That’s the way bad religion works.

This has ever been thus. The mantra is, ‘we must do something, even if it’s wrong or foolish’. Bad religion always depends on us doing something to appease the gods. They do nothing, you are responsible or you anger them.

It’s a little bit like homeopathy. I know lots of people who swear by it. They get better or worse because of a few drops taken which has a few drops per million of something. It’s a religion. It takes lots of faith.

I like good religion. It depends on me NOT AT ALL. I’m a receiver not a giver. For that I worship. I commend it to you, but that’s another story.

For lots of reasons, we no longer worship father God, but Mother earth as our provider.
So now the climate is changing. We aren’t sure why. Many postulate it’s a normal part of the global cycle. Many claim man has done this. I’m not here to argue that although I believe it is an incredibly egotistical self centered and self important individual to believe that man has the capacity to change the climate.

I don’t think man has done well. We cut down too many forests. We cultivate too much land foolishly. We are bad stewards of the earth. I’m for good stewardships.

I don’t believe we are, have or will change the climate. It’s like homeopathy. If you take all the influences that exist because of man which might influence global warming it is parts per billion.

The earth is warming because sometimes it does that. It did it in the past and will do it in the future. The sun is in a warm cycle. It will cool. Lots of this current arm waving will subside. But we are in a stupid cycle.

The other day a man from England pronounced that we should spray water up in the air to put moisture in the way of harmful sunshine. If you have ever created and maintained a closed terrarium (as I have) you will know that heat in the atmosphere makes clouds. It then cools, precipitates but the moisture comes from the earth. This is normal and cyclical.

There is already a mechanism in place which sprays mass quantities of water into the atmosphere creating clouds and a solar shield. They’re called monsoons and hurricanes and typhoons. Have you noticed they are intensifying in power and frequency? That’s normal in a warming cycle. This does what this joker from England wants to do.

What he is really saying is, I’m a priest of the earth, give me lots of money to create this altar of water and I’ll spray it so that the gods are mollified.

Worse, some government nut will do this.

Nearly as silly is a good man (Byron Dorgan) badly directed saying we should pump captured COD back into the empty oil wells in North Dakota to stop global warming. Yea, that’s the ticket, spend zillions of dollars, go thru lots of activity and nothing happens. This is so silly as to be ridiculous. Even scientists admit (who aren’t on the take with this deal) that this won’t work.

But, some of these priestly schemes will take effect, then the climate will shift a bit and they will take credit for the change just as the island priests of 200 years ago took credit when after the sacrifice of many virgins it rained. Don’t buy the lie that “we have to DO something”. Who said, where is it written?

The only virgin being sacrificed in this foolishness is your pocketbook.

If you want to sequester a few pounds of CO2, plant a tree. Otherwise give it a little more time. It’ll cool off. Then you will wonder what all the hubbub was about.

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