Saturday, September 03, 2005

Political Debris from Katrina vs 9-11

Nothing happens in a vacuum. Particularly in Politics. The differences between 9-11 and Katrina are significant for those in power.

President Bush became a spokesman for the heart of the county. Approval ratings thru the roof. Standing on the wreckage a few days after 9-11 was symbolic of our national resolve. “”We hear you, the whole world hears you””. This was the high point of his young presidency. Not that this was desired by President Bush but it was the best of times and worst of times for him. Never again has he ridden that high in the public’s estimation.

President Bush said nothing. He didn’t know what to say for a bit. His approval was lax to start with. This has caused the public and press to pummel him painfully. He can do nothing right in their estimation. Too slow, too inattentive, too distracted. Oil prices, Iraq, and a dozen other things on his plate have put him off base so much he might not recover. This is the lowest point in his presidency. I feel sorry for him, I like the man, I voted for him, I’m glad Kerry’s not President in all this, as I was glad Gore wasn’t President during 9-11. Bush may find his sure hand but I think it might be too late. Were I in the White House I don’t know if I would have done any better.

There were no liberals or conservatives, no Republicans or Democrats in the weeks and months directly following 9-11. Unity prevailed. I emailed Tom Dashle to congratulate him on his solid leadership. The press was measured and supportive. The country responded in unity.

The wind hadn’t yet subsided and Bozo’s on the left, most notably Robert Kennedy Jr were blaming the Republicans for Katrina and it’s impact. The liberal press NPR and CNN have gone out of their way to harp on failed policies. How Iraq exacerbated the problem. The gale of hot air following the Hurricane is worse than the blow itself.

I’m ashamed of the people on both sides of the aisle who can’t be centered for the good of the people and not on their own political power grab. Where are the Revs? Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They love a photo op. Show up with a semi load of water downtown Orleans why didn’t ya boys? Jesse’s boy owns a big beer distributorship that also sells bottled water in Chicago. I’ll bet they could get a truck. That’s what I hate about the left, all big talk, writing checks with their mouth their rear ends have no intention of cashing. Power is all they want. Get off your butts and do something other than jawbone about the situation. The congressional black caucus has been outspoken critical of Bush. I’ll bet they didn’t put in a phone call to see how they might help to any of the agencies in New Orleans. Any of the cable news channels would gladly carry their offer of help live. They could do that. Don’t hold your breath. Hypocrisy thy name is politics. Sometimes I hate democracy. It’s the worst form of government in the world except for all the others.

There was some profit taking. There were people scamming the system. Mostly they got caught. Some steel was stolen. Some companies cheated. But by and large the deal went off pretty well. It’s still an unfinished tome of course. But it was pretty corruption free.

I won’t even mention the looting. That’s lawlessness. There is a deeper problem. Have you ever wondered why New Orleans is called the big easy? Ask the contractors who were hired to do work on the levees that burst. Payoffs, skimming, hands in their pockets in exchange for “Permission” to do work. I live in Chicago, one of the more corrupt places you can do business. New Orleans makes Chicago look like a peanut gallery. It goes up and down the power structure from the top to the Police. Everyone is on the take. There has been a spirit of corruption that keeps the poorest poor. This is what makes this so tragic. Once this is all sorted out and they truth starts to come out what a black hole money sent to New Orleans has been all these years we will discover why it has become the city that doesn’t work. It parties hearty. It just doesn’t work. It’s not what you can do, it’s who can you pay off and how much to get it all done.
If you really want the root of the problem look at these links and ponder why the situation is as it is.
The Current Mayor came in to wipe out corruption
Someone asks how come corruption is part of New Orleans
Futility in fighting corruption
How gambling has corrupted corruption further
How the Democrats hide thier head in the sand at New Orleans corruption because it fits their needs

There was established infrastructure after 9-11. Power, access, equipment, labor, and there was a reason to build New York back to make that area look like the rest of the city. New York needed rebuilding and it has for the most part. It was a thing of pride.

Katrina (New Orleans)
In a previous post I questioned the wisdom of restoring something so fundamentally flawed structurally. It’s not going to get better. There is no more infrastructure. It’s gone. There is no power access, equipment, labor. Does anyone really want to rebuild the “red zone” of New Orleans that represents the bulk of the flooded out poor people? There is nothing left to make anything from. Now if the purpose is to make a Disneyland-like main street (Bourbon Street), convention center and hotels in the areas that didn’t flood too badly perhaps. It will now be all faux. Faux balconies, faux old buildings, faux colorful old bars. It will look old, look real but be hollow like the Magic Castle is in Disneyland. Great for tourists but without andy soul. When you rap on it it’s all hollow. The soul of New Orleans is dead. Any rebirth will be a commercial effort like Vegas trying to look like Venice.

It’s over, it’s done. There’s no reason to rebuild except as an adult playground if that’s what you want. Who wants the squalor back that was much of New Orleans anyhow? I know the question has been asked, where will all the debris left from this storm be landfilled. Do you want me to really tell you the truth?

My crystal ball is fuzzy on this one. I don’t think either political party shines in this. I don’t think 2008 rests on what happens in New Orleans. I do think this weakens any potential Republican candidacy no matter whom and strengthens Madam President and first husband Bill. Think I’m kidding? I got a hundred bucks says I’m right. Any takers out there?

2006 congressional. No huge shift to the left. The left is totally impotent to make hay out of anything. They just yell and point and accuse. As long as they do this I can live in confidence for the future. Conservatives will stay in power (except in the White House).

Last, there has been a long history of ignoring the problems regarding the levees and their funding. This is not Democrat or Republican. It's a fear of putting more money into a corrupt black hole. Neither Pres Clinton or Bush ever did what might have been done. They did what they thought was prudent.

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