I have been accused of having a prophetic bent. So:
These are my predictions for 2006. At the end of last year and during the year I have made other predictions. They are linked or listed at the bottom of this post. I don’t know for sure what will or won’t happen but I know that several of these will happen for sure.
So have a great 2006, It looks like it could be a great year.
There will be at least 2 earthquakes of significant magnitude 6+ in California. There will be one more somewhere else in America. There will be others on the planet but these 3 are in America.
The year will be one of extremes in weather. Record hot, cold, wind, rain, storm, snow and drought. Just one major hurricane will occur on US soil in 2006. It will be a cat 3.
There will be an outbreak of bird flu that will cause significant death but it will be restricted to the Asian countries. Even when it arrives on other shores it will be far less virulent than first predicted by many. Fear will be great.
An educational implosion will begin. The whole system will begin to dissemble. It will not stop in 2006.
The inner cities in America will begin to regentrify. Cities will begin to see resergence as people move back. Don’t give up on Detroit.
The major media figures who were dishonored and disgraced in 2005 will be multiplied in 2006. This will continue until media types start to behave.
General Motors will face bankruptcy. While a shock, it’s impact will be minimal on the economy. Less than Katrina.
Employment in America will remain about the same.
Nearly a 25% decrease in housing starts slows the economy a little.
Inflation concerns and tighter credit contribute to the slowing.
Oil prices will begin the year at $60 crude. An attempt to manipulate the market some time in 2006 crude will cause crude to breach $100. This manipulation will fail and the price will fall to $45.
A major scare in the stock market causing a significant retrenchment. It won’t hold. The economy will do OK in spite of it all.
Judge Alito will be confirmed. There will be one more vacancy in 2006.
There will be several departures from the Presidents administration. Rove, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Condelesa Rice will become Vice President when Cheney resigns after the fall elections.
The fall elections will be of little consequence. Very little change in the balance of power. The Republicans will actually pick up a seat in the Senate.
Scandals in government you see are just the beginning. The ones that will hurt are bipartisan. This is going to shake some who have been most self righteous and pontificate the most. They will have to learn to eat bitter words.
Watch these things in political events:
Patriot act – Passes but with modifications
Social Security – no change in 2006
Health Care Reform – serious talk begins
Tax Reform – will continue but still not enough
The long questioned WMD issue will be settled in the first quarter of 2006. It will silence the critics.
Iraq will settle down. Leaders will emerge to bring it into better days.
soldiers in Iraq will be nearly half what they were at their peak by years end. About 80.000. But they won’t all come home. Some will be in Afghanistan, Kwait and a couple other countries. Afghanistan will require new interventions by US troops in 2006. After the fall election even the critics will have to admit Iraq is a succes.
An alliance of Iran and Russia’s Putin will cause great concern as it should. Putin will distance himself from America.
Osama bin Laden will finally be revealed as dead.
There will be an attempt to detonate a dirty bomb in New York City. It will fail but cause panic.
China will undergo a great natural disaster.
In Russia 2 disasters of proportions not yet seen will take place in 2006.
Israel will experience a quiet time of peace.
Persecution of those of faith will accelerate.
5 major leaders of the Church will be lost.
Pray for our President.
Links to last year’s predictions:
After the Tsunami I said:
People’s response to incredible tragedy of this nature is predictable. Find someone to blame. This will mean the political landscape of the most devastated countries will change. Some not for the better.
There will be significant efforts to install a response and warning system for any future such events. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig. It makes you feel better but it doesn’t really change things. In the USA everyone at top levels is convinced that somewhere sometime in a major metro area a nuclear device will be detonated for maximum neutronic pollution. (dirty bomb) Pop quiz. If you live in or near any of these areas what is your civil defense plan for this predicted event? About the same as Siri Lanka’s I’ll wager.
Then there will be the money thrown at the effort and no one will have done enough. It’s already begun. Much of that money will be wasted, siphoned off, graft, theft and lost. Good intentioned people will give to good intentioned NGO’s and it will be stolen. If you give, give to organizations that have the fear of God as part of their charter. Theft is less there.
People will ponder the if-onlys. It is delusion to live in a world that believes that things will get better if only. If only I had more money, if only I had a better job, if only I were (or weren’t) married, if only, if only, if only. Things on balance never do get better. They only change. All change is perceived as loss. ALL CHANGE!
I have a long version of this set of predictions as was given in a Church on January 1, 2006. If you would like a copy emailed to you send me a messge with the subject line FULL TEXT 2006 and I will return it promptly. Send that to generedlin@hotmail.com
Sir -
Several of your 'predictions' are no more than projecting things that have already begun - such as the movement of people back into the urban areas of larger cities take Cleveland for example. People involved in Urban Sprawl realized land is just as expensive in the suburbs AND with $2-3 gas, living just down the street from the office makes more sense.
Your comments about GM make no sense to me. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, do you realize that over 1,000,000 people receive either part or all of their health care directly from GM. This number doesn't even include those people that work for a supplier of General Motors. GM does have a way to go, but I guess until it hits more of the common person's wallet no one cares about the monetary policy and governmental subsidies that the Asian countries provide that help Toyota and others take some of the market share based only on pricing differences. The quality gap has been basically closed between the imports and the domestics - according to JD Power & Assoc.. Does anybody remember all of those specialty steel companies that went under in the 90's and 00's around Cleveland and Pittsburgh? Bush did answer this call, but possibly a little to late for the Mom and Pop companies.
Earthquake predictions? Where do these come from? Farmer's Almanac? Just trying to get people excited about Christ's return? Jesus wants people to accept Him for Him of their own accord - not out of fear of Armegeddon. Don't worry when the trumpets sound there won't be any doubt about it.
Can you please re-post your pedictions for 2005 so we can see how well you performed last year?
Just looking out for the 'wood pile':)
Mr Anonymous,
So, where are yours?
And if you had indeed read the blog, all the links for last year were listed at the bottom.
I don't mean to be as cruel as this sounds but, talk is cheap. I'm willing to go out on a limb and put myself on the line. You, oh right, you're anonymus.
Earthquakes? Just wait.
Check with me a year from now and then be sure to wipe the egg off your face.
So, take a look at last years and then decide.
OK, I'll try:
Natural disasters such as hurricanes will intensify and President Bush will still deny that "something is going on."
There will be a comedy TV series about hurricane survivors.
The Catholic Church will not change anything, except the Pope's Gucci's.
Bird Flu will be revealed to be another Bush Administration "red herring." (I may have to deny having said that.)
Gene Redlin will patent a new flowery shrub. We're not certain which, but we think it won't be a "Bleeding Heart."
Cold Fusion will FINALLY be revealed as a viable alternative to petroleum products as an energy source. The Bush Administration balks at supporting it until Halliburton is consulted.
There will not be a devastating oil spill in ANWAR.
Judge Alito will be sent packing.
Republicans and Democrats will be laughing stock.
When it's revealed that the Bush Administration tried to smuggled WMD's into the Middle East, the president will be forced to fire everyone in his administration and set fire to the brush he's been clearing for months now.
Osama Bin Laden, it will be revealed, died at Tora Bora and the Bushies have his body on ice in the Cheney basement.
We'll blow up that new dam in China.
A dirty bomb will be set off in New York City and noone will notice.
No wonder you get the big bucks, HEH, I think you are a good writer. Very funny stuff.
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