A major trend in media is the decline of Broadcast media. Cable is kicking butt.
So, some dimbulb decides, yeah, this would be a great idea. Let's feature homosexual republicans. That'll be our salvation.
NBC, you guys are the absolute pits.
Read this:
NBC is promoting the network’s mid-season replacement series “The Book of Daniel” with language that implies it is a serious drama about Christian people and Christian faith. The main character is Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest whose wife depends heavily on her mid-day martinis.
Webster regularly sees and talks with a very unconventional white-robed, bearded Jesus. The Webster family is rounded out by a 23-year-old homosexual Republican son, a 16-year-old daughter who is a drug dealer, and a 16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop’s daughter.
At the office, his lesbian secretary is sleeping with his sister-in-law.
Network hype – and the mainstream media – call it “edgy,” “challenging” and “courageous.” The hour-long limited drama series will debut January 6 with back-to-back episodes and will air on Friday nights. The writer for the series is a practicing homosexual.
The homosexual son will be network prime-time’s only regular male homosexual character in a drama series.
Those at NBC responsible for this program consider it a good, religiously oriented show typical of Christian families. Like your's right? Bull Poop@!*#Q(&_)__)&Q
Let NBC Chairman Bob Wright know what you think.
nobody will watch it....it will never last a season.....
It won't be watched if it's no good...
However, it won't be rejected because it features homosexuals. I imagine the same sort of prejudice was exhibited when Sanford and Son hit the air. Or, that wildly liberal Murphy Brown. Black junk yard dealers and liberal news women will never make it. And, you think the same of gays? This is EARTH isn't it?
I click on what I suppose is the email address for an executive at NBC and find instead a pre-packaged mass mailing.
Doesn't your side have ANY original thoughts?
You can write a better letter than some mindless bureaucrat in some money-grubbing organization such as the American Family Association?
I didn't check the link. I ripped this link from somewhere else. I'll check next time.
NOBODY will watch it? Like NOBODY has watched "Brokeback Mountain?" It'll be watched if it's good.
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