20 days ago I listened to an hour with an apostate theologian by the name of Dr. Bart Ehrman. 10 days ago I heard an interview on Radio with some of the Jesus Seminar people who are from Loyola and other educational institutions. Often Martin Marty and Robert Funk and their disciples are on the radio spouting their version of the Godless Gospel. These are people who have reasoned their way out of faith in God.
They do their level best in these interviews to cast doubt and unbelief in the hearts of weak badly taught believers and of those who do not yet believe. It’s straightforward anti-Christ evangelism. Dr. Ehrman admits he is an agnostic (happily he says). He attended 2 conservative Christian institutions in Chicagoland, Moody Bible institute for 3 years and Wheaton College for 3 years. Somewhere the whole thing just triggered one day and he fell off the track.
He is now the head of the Religion department at North Carolina State. It appears that hiring people who oppose the Gospel is policy at secular educational institutions.
This was the case also of Paul Meilke who used to be the head of the Religion Department at Kansas University. I say used to because he became discredited and was forced to resign after taking an aggressive stand against creation teaching and filing a questionable police report about abuse.
Living in Chicagoland we have a wide breadth of religious expression. Black Churches, Hindu, Bahia, Moslem, of course Catholic, Jewish, and out in the country a few miles from me is a Buddhist Temple. So I am familiar with all expressions. We also have many of the largest Churches in America in Chicagoland. On the other hand, statistically Chicagoland is one of the least Christian cities in America. How is this possible? Read on.
The whole issue is, how do some agnostic theologians make decisions of faith and truth without the light of the Holy Spirit residing in them. The answer is, they are blind and deceived. This isn’t a surprise: "... if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.
"For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God...." 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
The agenda these men try to avoid is the one that calls them to account about who they are. They sucker in intelligent men and women who like to see themselves as open minded. What they don't realize is they become victims of doctrines of demons. These attempts to discredit the Bible are a great deal like the recent court case around the Intelligent Design debate.
If one expresses a doubt about the religion of evolution the atheistic inquisitors come out of their caves and either become discounters of the questioner thru ridicule or try to pass laws or lawsuits to stop the questioning. This is pure and simple persecution of those who do not follow the prescribed dogma of faithless evolution. Secularists are so frightened of any expression of faith in schools that even the simple statement that was “"Some people do not agree with the theory of evolution" ” was to be feared and struck from all textbooks. Isn’t that sad?
There are two unintended consequences of the atheist inquisition Court in Pennsylvania and it's outcome.
First it is causing people to question what all the fuss is about. The unintended consequence is a perpetuation of the debate. An intensification of the debate will heat up as people look into the whole conflict and realize what side they are on. It’s not on the side of the atheistic elite.
The other unintended consequence is increasingly overt animosity by people of faith against public education. People of faith now see public education as and agenda of schools and educators to rob precious children of their faith in God.
Home schooling has expanded widely, now the result of this onslaught will be organized efforts to aggressively take back control of schools and their boards nationwide or abolish them altogether in favor of private schools.
It’s bad enough that good people are deluded into believing what apostate theologians have decided. It’s worse when it’s foisted on our children.
I for one will be happy when Public Education is either dissolved or reformed so that the godless agendas now taught are replaced with free exploration of thought.
I’m not against teaching evolution as I am not against teaching quantum physics. If we say, we don’t know, here is what some think, here is what others think.
To teach as if the atheist dogma is the only acceptable dogma reeks of how the Catholic Church came against Galileo or Copernicus when they began to ask questions.
The world is too quick to embrace empty theological theories or empty evolutionary theories without the capacity to ask, “"What if they aren’t right”." We still teach people to question authority don’t we? Or maybe that’s what these acedemics are most guilty of: Fear and Loathing of Faith.
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