Saturday, December 31, 2005

I don’t believe everything I read or hear

In the last week a barrage of news stories has come out of South Korea about the scientist who cloned gene specific stem cells. At first I was only mildly interested. But then, as the story got more and more involved I became suspicious.

You see, I have watched just too darn many (all of them) X-Files episodes to allow me to buy what we are fed by government or in particular the media.

I think we will now discover there is more here than meets the eye. If he isn’t assassinated by large corporate government conspirators who are trying hard to keep a lid on this breakthrough because it might halt the global plan of oppression…….. Wait, that’s another X-File plot.

But, don’t buy everything you see. This doesn’t pass the smell test. Something’s up.

1 comment:

NodakJack said...

I agree. I can't imagine such a well-regarded scientist trying to pull off such a hoax. Methinks that someone more powerful than he felt threatened at his success and somehow scuttled it in such a way that even the victim wasn't aware. See? There I go again with my conspiracy theories. I'm afraid much of what goes on in this world is perpetrated by people NONE of whom we are aware, for reasons completely different than what we would expect.
(But, I'm with you on this one, o'follower of the Illuminati.)