Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the Inauguration of Ronald Wilson Reagan. Renauldus Maxima
We have enjoyed a quarter century of prosperity and relative peace because of his greatness in just 8 years.
I believe George W. Bush may be in history’s rear view mirror ranked very close to the Maxima’s greatness.
This is also the 33rd anniversary of the death of the moral compass in America. The anniversary of Roe V Wade. This day will stand in the future as one of America’s worst times. I’m thankful and confident that in the not so distant future we will see the end of this horror on a national basis. There may be states where it is practiced. I don’t with that, but prostitution is practiced in some states.
This is also the anniversary of the end of one of the worst Presidencies in the history of the Union. Jimmy Carter, a good man but a terrible president was put out of office. History continues to demonstrate him as weaker and ineffective. Iran that you see today is because of Jimmy Carter.
So, I’m hopeful.
Hopeful that our President will do the right thing, hopeful the new court will get rid of the horror of national abortion, and hopeful the memory of a bad president as played out in Iran today will end soon.
Happy not so happy sad anniversaries.
1 comment:
Hello? BUsh in the same league of Ronald the napping? I think not.
And Jimmy Carter was held captive by Reagan's campaign manager, the Ayatollah Khomeini, who colluded with acting boy to not allow the release of the hostages until inauguration day. The Ayatollah won the same day Ronnie boy was sworn in.
In my estimation, Ronald Reagan will be remembered historically as a very friendly guy who did some moving and shaking with the assistance of our mole in the Soviet Union, the Pope and the weight of world.
I was sorry about his lingering bout with Alzheimer's. But, he planned a great funeral.
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