Tuesday, February 21, 2006

If for no other reason

I have found the whole port story with Bush and the UAE amazing. I didn't know who was for or against. I was against for lots of reasons. I think all our ports and all our shipping, all our logistics should be controlled and operated by US firms. People like Ken Lay or Bernie Ebbers are held accountable. I want to put a bad port operator in jail too.

SO, it was firmed up today when I heard the news. Jimmy Carter thinks selling the ports to the UAE is a good plan. That seals it for me. If for no other reason than that. I'll bet Kofi Annan thinks it's a good idea too.

Beloved President Bush, you now have an out. You can now say the fact that Jimmy Carter came out for it and since we know he don't have a lick of sense we have withdrawn our support of this transaction.

That's your out Magnificent One.

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