Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Phase out Phase Six

The no child left behind act was intended to fund and test schools that could succeed and those that just couldn't get it done. 
Now after 5 years there are a large number of public schools who have hit the wall.  They have tested, they have tried, they have tutored and they have tilted off the wall.
They have failed.  Once a school gets to this point it is called being in Phase 6.  That is the 6th year of a 5 year program. 
I don't think the education dept thought this would happen.  It did.  So, now what to do.
I want to send a message to my President.  If a school hits phase 6:  Do not listen to the whine of the administrators.  Do not hear the pitch of the teachers.
They had 5 years.  Now let someone else work on it.
If you worked in the private sector and had 5 years to reach certain objectives with your corporate workforce as a manager and you didn't they would fire you.
So, here's what to do.  Phase out schools that didn't make it.  Be ruthless.  Don't back down.  Make it painful. 
I promise you won't have to close very many before the message is loud and clear.  I'll bet results will come then.
Abolish public education.  Let vouchers reign.

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