Thursday, March 30, 2006

Healing from Cancer - Astounded but not Surprised

A couple years ago a man came to me in a healing meeting.  His wife brought him. None of the other pastors on site would minister to him.  He had cancer.  He was oozing puss from the tumor on the side of his neck.  It was disgusting. It's odor was repulsive.  He looked terrible.  The doctors had told him to go home and die.  His wife had brought him as a last ditch effort.  As my friend Barry calls it, they had tried everything else and were down to Jesus.
In the ministry work I spend a fair amount of time ministering to people for healing.  I am always amazed at the way God works.  I won't recount here the many instances I have seen wonderful healings after ministering God's way.
I know that cancer must bow the knee to Jesus.  I know that the name of Jesus is above every name, the name of tumors, the name of cancer and the name of doctors.
My faith was shaken by what I saw.  And I was shaken that all the other ministers in the room had decided, "Let Gene have him".  I guess to them I'm the patron (non) saint of lost causes.
I have to admit I have my days when I am not walking in the power and anointing of the Holy Ghost that I minister to someone with less than overcomers faith.  I am human.
After praying in tongues for a while and laying my hand on him, faith rose.  I spoke the words of faith to encourage him (and myself).  I prayed for his faith and mine to connect and then I spoke the authority of Jesus over the cancer.  I instructed him to receive and believe.  I'm not sure I believed.  I never saw him again, till a couple days ago.  I figured (as a mighty man of faith) that he had died. 
He had been healed.  He was whole.  Doctors amazed.  No Cancer. But now after two years his some kind of cell count was up higher than it should be.  He had gone in for a 6 month check-up and they said it looked like things were welling up again. Glands.  Cancer.
I know nothing about medicine.  I want to know less.  I do know Jesus. 
When we met the other day after a couple years he asked me to again minister healing.  This time a righteous indignation against this lie of the Devil rose up in me.  His faith was high.  After just a little while praying in the Holy Ghost I laid my hands directly on the affected gland and cursed the cancer cells that were raising their ugly heads.  I saw them in the Spirit.
I became agitated.  Sometimes after a particularly intense session like this I do.  I was angry at the Devil. I was wired.  I walked and prayed intercession for half an hour till I was released to stop.
I'm believing God this time instead of my feelings.  Ol Smith Wigglesworth used to say, "I'm not moved by what I see, I'm not moved by what I hear, I'm just moved by the mighty word of God".
I will be, I am.  Next time I won't be so surprised.  Or maybe it's good that sometimes I am, not surprised, but astonished by the goodness and mercy of Jesus towards his people.
He's sure good to me.

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