Sunday, April 23, 2006

Air America is Redundant to NPR

Living in Chicagoland we have lots of radio stations. I listen to a several. WIND is conservative talk, WLS is, well, I'm not sure they know exactly, WGN is old people radio, WCPT 850 is the Air America station.

I listen to Rachel Maddux who is uninformed but entertaining, Al Franken who is actually a pretty good guy for a liberal (he goes to Iraq to entertain the troops and doesn't brag about it) and Fargo's own Ed Schultz. He has a great gig. But it's just a gig. It's like the smart kid who was part of the debating team who has taken the case he must make from the hat and is making it well. The whole Ed Show joke is on the public and liberals. He no more believes what he says than the man in the moon. But, he's very good and will do well. Good on you Ed. Local boy makes good. the rest of the hosts on Air America are just I hate Bush yelling all the time.

Air America is now sadly now redundant in Chicagoland. WBEZ FM NPR is going all liberal talk. It is now most accurately called National Progressive (Liberal) Radio. There is nothing Bush has ever done that they like that and would pronounce as good, and you will never ever hear of anything good Bush ever got as positive results. Not the economy, not employment numbers, not faith based initiatives, not aid to Africa. In liberal public radio land, it never happened. He gets all the blame for anything bad and no credit for anything good. That means that people who listen to liberal public radio assume Bush never has done any good. I will never ever ever again support them financially.

What I don't get is this: I listen to NPR and Air America to see what the liberals think or say (mostly) without thinking. I would just love to have a liberal say to me, you know I listened all week to Rush, Bill Bennet, Hugh Hewitt or Laura Ingram and have this opinion about what they said. That'll never happen. When I have suggested it to a liberal or two they will say, "I don't have to listen to him (or her) to know what a nutcase they are". Then they will trot out some infraction in life he or she has had. Rush, oxycontin, Bennet Gambling. I guess in the liberal's eye if you have ever committed a sin your views from that time forward have no value. On the other hand, just try to impune some Liberal commentator for an infraction of life, they are quick to trot out "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Liberals are very narrow and close minded.

Open-mindedness to a liberal is "You listen to what I say, and I won't listen to what you say". But that's why Liberalism is so lost in the fog. They fall for anything because they are incapable to hear another view and analyse it without someone telling them what to think. They don't know how to question the voices in their head. They just do the liberal bobblehead thing and agree with the rambling of the left and assume it makes sense. Sometimes it does, most of the time it doesn't. How do I know? I listen to both sides. Unlike liberals, I'm actually open-minded.


Anonymous said...

Man, you got the balls to say you're open-minded. There are nothing but assumptions and blind beliefs coming from you all the time!
The Heretic

Gene said...

Mr Heretic,

I decided to read down the last 10 or so posts I just wrote. All of them are opinion. All of them are my own. I don't allow others to do my thinking for me. I have convictions and beliefs for certain. But they form the platform and screen by which I process the information my openminded downloads provide. Unlike Liberals and might I even say heretics, I am open to all ideas. I just don't buy everything I read. I doubt much. I am also competent and confident to state my opinions in public to people who will read them.

I'll read your's when you develop "balls" as you put it enough to say what you really believe. Start a blog. I'll check in. I might even comment. You can start right at the top of this page. It takes 5 minutes to your first post.

My guess is no one told you what to believe yet so you have no opinion other than hate Bush.
