In case you had any doubts about liberal press bias in this country read this:
Cindy Sheehan protests, yells, calls names does all kinds of things and is invited to speak at a public school in California. She is a sweetheart of the liberal press. She is beyond reproach as far as the treason-press is concerned.
Because she felt slighted by the President when she met him, that’s the reason given. The truth is Ben and Jerry’s ice cream empire financed and motivated her (read that puppet on a string) to do this banality. They are behind the True Majority propaganda efforts. Mostly anti Bush yelling all the time.
The liberal press loves Cindy (oh Cindy where has my heart gone). Why?She hates Bush. Ben and Jerry told her to.
Yesterday, a woman, Dr. Wenyi Wang, 47, a Physician, makes a protest against the imprisonment and execution of a religious group in China. She and Cindy Sheehan are the same age. They have a similar beef. Reproach against a government they consider opposing their interests.
This is still a free country except in the treasonous press’s eyes. Some people see thru the conspiracy of silence and bias.
To the liberal press she is considered an embarrassment, a problem, a black mark.
Cindy protests and it's all sunshine and light, Dr. Wang protests and it’s dark and embarrassing.
Unbiased Press my tush. They should be thankful this is still the USA. In China they saw nothing of this. Where is their treasonous allegiance?
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