Sunday, August 13, 2006

Lost Vision

"Some men see things as they are and say why - I dream things that never were and say why not."

Most people think John F Kennedy created this. Nope. George Bernard Shaw is the origional author. Kennedy was just a good deliverer of someone elses words. But they are still good words.

Vision will drive a person for better or worse. The vision of the Islamic Fascists of world domination drives terrorism. If their vision succeeds I’ll need to buy a rug. I didn’t want to become a Muslim. Thank you UN, Ohlmert and Liberal Media for pushing our administration until at last Hezbollah Declares Victory. The free world has Lost the Vision.

I have been a staunch admirer of George W Bush because of his vision of Liberty and freedom. This is rare. He is wavering. The liberal media drip drip drip is neutering his vision.

That’s how all vision is destroyed. Public opinion. Eventually the person with a vision is driven back because he or she wants to be popular or well liked. I am of the opinion that wanting to get along is a the heart of liberal thinking. I know reasonable people who try hard not to have opinions in order to not offend anyone. The lie is being neutral or unopinoinated makes you popular. No it makes you inert.

The worst part of having vision is it alienates others. Vision that could be implemented means change. People hate change.

So, what are the options? To have no Vision? That is selling your soul. Vision is driven by the internal engine of creative discontent. Looking at the world around you and asking why do we do it this way? Looking into the future and asking why not? Why not us, why not here, why not now?

The problem vision carriers must deal with are people who say, “What’s wrong with things the way they are”? They refuse to question things. They resist the call to improvement. The vision carrier has to help them see what it could be like if thinks were not as they are and more as they could be. If many start to capture this vision things will change. If the vision killers win then nothing change and we stay stuck which ultimately means we drift slowly away. Supplanted by someone else's vision. Vision will always dominate, ours or someone elses. There is no happy medium.

The good news for conservatives is that liberals have no vision. They are only against everything. But, conservatives lack enough testicular fortitude to stay the course in the face of constant opposition. They need to get the vision back. Like they did in 1994.

This has been the problem with President Bush. He sees it. I see it. But most liberals, because they hate him so much, can’t see what he sees. I wish they could grasp the vision. He sees liberty planted in the navel of the world. Liberty that will spread into the rest of the Muslim World. The Liberal Media and the State Department have pressured him to back off from the vision. So, we drift into oblivion and inert life because of a lack of vision.

People perish because of a lack of vision. That’s in the Bible.

But, even it alienates every person I know, even if I bat against the wind for the rest of my life, I’m going to agree with Shaw and Kennedy.

"Some men see things as they are and say why - I dream things that never were and say why not."

Anything less is living death.

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