Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Best Thing I Ever Learned

Years ago when I was leading a fellowship one of the men who was a key part of that Church said, "If you want to know if you are a leader, look around and see if anyone is following you, If they're not you are just taking a walk".

That didn't sit right with me. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time but it seemed like one of those things you might read in a bad "Motivational" book. I have for better or worse in corporate America found myself in a place of leadership. I have for better or worse found myself in leadership at most Churches and organizations I have ever been part of.

The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. Cults have followers. I didn't make that one up, that's a quote from Ralph Nader. Not all that christian but pretty good.

A real leader doesn't always scramble to be the leader. Instead real leaders are always working on launching others in life, church and business. Others. They are secure and not ever threatened by the forward motion of those they lead. They lift them up and give them a hand. They push, pull, and help the ones they lead to do better than they imagined they could have done on their own.

The pride of leadership comes in other people achieving. Proud of people as you give them a hand, proud of people when they advance. Leaders know they were there giving a hand of encouragement in helping someone along the way.

A friend of mine, Larry, from Fargo was on the radio with Jack Sunday, a radio announcer with a talk show. The discussion was about Larry's successful career. My son called the station during the show and mentioned my name to them. They both reacted positively. Larry who had been business partner of mine, said something to this effect, "Gene is a part of the reason I have had whatever success I have ever had".

Larry has had substantial success. If I lent a hand, if I led by encouragement I am PROUD to have done so.

So, to the man who said, ".....If no one is following, you are just taking a walk". I say, that's not leadership, that's domination and intimidation.

Leadership is finding the right people, preparing them and if they will do what they must to become what they can, giving them a hand to help them become everything they were created to be by God.

That, my Minister readers is what Ephesians 4 is all about. Not creating blind followers, creating leaders.

Be a real leader, build leaders.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps learning to follow is one of the first steps towards becoming a leader. Jesus' own disciples learned that lesson. To be a disciple is, at its very root, to be a follow the discipline of another, i.e. Jesus.

Gene said...


I assume by the nature of your comment you have some familiarity with scripture.

I'll launch from there.

Before Pentecost the Disciples were just that. Disciples. Learners. Followers. After Pentecost, Book of Acts, Epistles of Paul etc the believers who led were called the sent ones. Those in Ministry office. Preparing the saints for the work of the ministry.

Leaders building Leaders.

Part of the anemia in Christianity today is the willingness to follow blindly and the desire to avoid taking initiative because they look to some leader to tell them what to do. In the name of following and submission they remain inert. These followers never test, measure or challenge what is told them because they have not been discipled by the Word of God. Nor is it alive in their heart.

We must know to follow the discipline of Jesus, the teachings and direction, in particular by that "Other Counselor, the Comforter" as he prompts us into action. He never contradicts himself. He will never ask us to do something he hasn’t already said.

We must know and understand the magnitude of Jesus discipline and then with boldness and authority take back the ground the darkness has overwhelmed. Sometimes a leader initiates that but sometimes that is done because of the disciplines of Christ illuminated by the Holy Ghost stir a saint into action. That threatens the traditions of men and religion. It’s a difficult mix. But it’s an essential mix.

I don't think we have too many people willing to take leadership; we have too many people willing to accept follower-ship from timid leadership. Stagnation. Inaction.

I believe this is what is about to change; we have had the apostolic and prophetic implementation in the Church, now it's time for the Church of Jesus in America to Stand up and Lead On.

That takes Godly Confident Leaders well-taught, well discipled soldiers of the Cross.

Sounds like an Army I want to be part of. I am.

Anonymous said...

Too many people want to be leaders without ever learning first how to be followers.