Before the USA was established pre-1776 Churches were tax funded entities and ministers were supported by the taxes of the gov't and commissioned to be a moral guide and educator for the colonies.
About 100 years ago, with service decline on the rise, some reformers suggested to make the services free of admission or pew rent. This was embraced over time and then the offerings slid more and more to support the services as a result. The down side was that the losers in the equation were the poor and the real missionaries or apostles (meaning those who go out to "become all things to all men").
As the concept of giving slid into just support for the services of the congregation, indulgence became as masquerade for the body of Christ and this is the condition we find ourselves in today. On the other side society could not tolerate a totally blind eye to the poor and so it gave the track for the government programs to be established to at least provide some sense of societal response to the issues that emerged over the last 100 years. People sometimes lament saying 100 years ago the church was care taker of the welfare, and seem to suggest that if we would just go back to the good old days
Ministers are today set up to be essentially appeasers of congregations of like people who come to them by being sold the product of their preaching or ideology and the children's ministry. This is particularly targeted towards the "women folk" who like to have the stability of a perceived better spiritual head than their husband that that pastor represents and the opportunity to have a break from their children for the 2 hours on Sunday so they can get "fed". The result of this kind of almost seductive paradigm is that the Christian divorce rate is passing that of the world.
1.2 billion are overweight
300 million are obese
The most devastating part is the condition of the women who are being overwhelmed with the expectations all around them and the need to keep up, and this is dramatically impacting marriages and the very things that hold us together.
Dave's indictment is worth considering. Can we change it? I don't know. I will do what I can. So will Dave. Maybe after we are both gone and in heaven with Jesus some radical reform will bring the Church in America back to it's purpose. That is if Man and Denominations can stay out of the way.
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