Thursday, April 26, 2007

Environmentalists take Longer to Learn

I don't know why but people blinded by the Global Worship of the Earth, the religion led by it's pope, Al Gore are incapable of critical analysis.

When the big push to Ethanol came, I yelled, Whoa. This is not common sense. It takes more energy to produce liquid energy than it produces. What? I was accused of hating the earth. Not loving the environment. NOT TRUE. I just think stupid is as stupid does.

But all across the fruited plain there are mushroom emergences of ethanol plants. I even know a man who has mad millions building them. If for one month the subsidies stopped they would all be shuttered.

Now, the Dutch are coming out with some common sense to say, If we are going to do bio-fuels at least lets try to do it right.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - It's the new climate change dilemma: finding alternatives for oil and gas without doing more harm than good.

In the rush to develop biofuels, forests are burned in Asia to clear land for palm oil, and swaths of the Amazon are stripped of diverse vegetation for soya and sugar plantations for ethanol.

This is good news. Maybe the mania will subside and some REAL research will ensue.

Then this story which is another "AHA". People who issue carbon credits are fraudulent. This is a big ho ho ho. These are the same carbon credits that Al Gore bought to offset his 10X house at home power usage. The same ones that Richard Branson bought to offset his Virgin Airway Jets. Suckers.

Why is THIS a story at all. Of course Carbon Credits are a fraud perpetrated on weak minded people like poor good-singer-fine-looking-women like Sheryl Crowe. The earth worshippers are such guppies for a sad story.

Then some guy comes along and says, "Give me your money and I will assuage your guilt". They think they invented this. HA. The Catholic Church in the 14th Century sold Indulgences. They didn't do anygood either. A hero of mine, Martin Luther blew the whistle on it all. Things changed.

I would have written a clever piece announcing the Gene Redlin Carbon Credits Company and that you should send me all your money to deal with your egregious energy usage. I would have written it but I was beaten to the punch by my better. Julie. Read her piece. Buy a carbon credit from her. It will do far more good than sending it to some scam artist living off the stupidity of the Eco-nuts. She's an artist but not a scam.

1 comment:

Steve Scott said...

I deal with carbon offsets by cueing my steak so well done that carbon atoms split.