Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Falling Down Drunk

I don't know why I am posting this but I think there may be one or two readers who will find this helpful.

Aaron Telian, wise beyond his years, posted a quote from C. S. Lewis.

It was on the misuse of temperance. Last paragraph:

One great piece of mischief has been done by the modern restriction of the word Temperance to the question of drink. It helps people to forget that you can be just as intemperate about lots of other things. A man who makes his golf or his motor bicycle the centre of his life, or a woman who devotes all her thoughts to clothes or bridge or her dog, is being just as 'intemperate' as someone who gets drunk every evening. Of course, it does not show on the outside so easily: bridge-mania or golf-mania do not make you fall down in the middle of the road. But God is not deceived by externals.

I know a lot of intemperate people who never touch a drop of drink. So do you.

Read Aaron's whole piece. It's worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really know how to hurt a guy, don't you, Gene? "A man who makes his golf ... the centre of his life, ... is being just as 'intemperate' as someone who gets drunk every evening." So, if I play golf all day and then get drunk every evening, does that balance out or just put me in a double jeopardy situation? Wait! Wait! I also do "volunteer" work. But, dang, I volunteer at a golf course so I can play more golf. There's no hope...