Wednesday, April 11, 2007

If You Care at All About the Church You MUST Read This

I know that some will feel triumph over this, some will gloat, some will despair, and some will do as I did; read it and weep. You must read the whole thing in detail. Read all the comments. It's disturbing and revealing. We are being sent a wakeup call and can't hear it for all the noise WE generate.

The Church in America is so far from God. It's like this cartoon.
A sinking ship with happy talk as it drifts away. I don't know if there is hope. I know that if there is it won't look like it ever did before.

I love the Church, grew up in her, minister in her, try to build her up. I sometimes wonder if I am wasting my (and other's) time. We make so little difference to the world and marginal difference to those who attend our services.

I have had more hope when I knew less than I do now. After 4 years of trying to make a difference in helping a local fellowship become relevant I don't know if I made any difference at all.

I'm not sure the Church at large matters anymore, even to the Father. Maybe Barna was right. Maybe its over. Maybe we missed the Fax from God saying "I have changed my focus and the 'Edifice Complex' no longer applies."

If it sound like I'm a tad discouraged, I'm not discouraged in God, I am discouraged in Church. What if the Church in America is like Sampson and "Whist not that the Spirit of God had left him"?

A few other links you will want to read to give you depth in this:


Anonymous said...

Gene wrote..."I have had more hope when I knew less than I do now. After 4 years of trying to make a difference in helping a local fellowship become relevant I don't know if I made any difference at all." Well, brother, you have made a difference in my life, and for that, my eternity is changed forever (God through you). As for this post, it's time someone has the guts (or golf balls)to say it like it is (thanks BK). Again, truth hurts. It's time WE (and we're all the "church") started doing instead of talking - and it all begins with YOU and ME. Remember, we don't have the answers to anything. God does.

Remember how your mother used to say "git up off that couch - git outside and get some sun!"? Well, it's time for ALL of us to get up and get from behind our self-made pulpits and platforms and "get some Son!" - and SHARE Him!


Anonymous said...

One can take comfort in the fact that "the gates of hell cannot prevail against God's church..." And if that is true...and it is...then what can man do?

Anonymous said...

The "Gates of Hell" can prevail against men, women, and even youth. Not everyone will be saved.

Jesus came to give us love, die on a cross so our sins can be forgiven and show us the way. Be a lighthouse and disciple. Gene Redlin, you are a lighthouse! There are still many who do not know Him.
Even though the time goes quickly,
it is still not too late.