Tuesday, May 29, 2007

You CAN be FOR a Clean Healthy Environment and AGAINST Environmentalism

If you are of two minds when you hear the word environmentalism you are not alone. On one hand, we all want clean water, clean air, clean food and healthy environs.

We don't want the state telling us what we can and can't do because of junk science even if it is promulgated by a former Vice President of the USA.

We have been there before. I remember as a teenager being told that DDT was killing all the birds. Silent Spring, Rachel Carson. There was some truth but it was not the whole truth.

Just like today. There is some truth told, but that truth is using fear to enslave and even destroy people using questionable science.

An article written on Lew Rockwell comes to these conclusions. You can read the whole thing here.

Environmentalism is a mainstream, activist, political movement, endorsed by both major political parties. It uses and endorses the state’s monopoly on violence as its primary means of action.

Environmentalist doctrine is anti-free market and anti-libertarian. Its doctrine cultivates and has succeeded in attaining a moral dimension among its adherents.

Environmentalist doctrine blames various current and fancied human woes on our economic way of life, relating them to natural resources, and promising deliverance from those woes by state regulation and control over resources and economic life.

Environmentalist doctrine is anti-life, anti-value creation, and anti-wealth creation.

The religious overtones of environmentalism are clear: Mankind is sinning against the environment, being punished for those sins, and redemption lies in environmentalism. Environmentalism is basically a pseudo-religion and a false religion at that.
I hope the people who have bought into this lie will see it for what it is soon before it's too late. It's all about control. Others controlling YOU.


Anonymous said...

one person's dopey definition that - oh - happens to support yours does not BEGIN to be the truth in any way. maybe if you got out there and volunteered for something like a clean-up-the-river day coming up in many places next weekend and got to know what real-life things some environmentalists are involved in to DO something, YOU might wake up and see the truth. it would be nice if you would stop complaining and tearing down what other people do and actually started contributing to society. you write poison words that basdh others' efforts, but what do you DO for the environment? besides recycle a can now and then? it is a rhetorical question, don't bother with list of superficial things - we have seen that before. why not take a POSITIVE approach and list some ways people can get involved in a better environment this coming weekend - and then - DO ONE and MEET some real people doing REAL WORK.

Anonymous said...

DDT use needed to be changed. It was causing problems in its toxicity and in the way it was used. The fault is with people who do not look in enough detail to see that it might be more useful than harmful used in certain ways. Widespread spraying is a harmful way. Careful spraying of inner walls of a dwelling carries benefits that exceed the risk and someone should be working to allow that. And vacination programs would also work, but why is no one promotoing that?
Tell us how environmental measures so terribly inconvenience you? What are the benefits of those things and are they worth the inconvenience. Global warming may turn out to be an overexagereation, but everything done about it also solves other problems like making cleaner air to breath. So the reason may be wrong but the result is still good. Stop trashing the wrong reason and try to help promote good actions.

Anonymous said...

Remember when that celebrity got showers banned in California? The people in Oregon who were environmentalists knew that was going too far so they got laws passed that all new shower nozzles had to be low volume. And every other state followed suite. I bet you never even notice that your shower is low volume and the one in every hotel room you go to is low volume because low volume shower nozzels got improved after the law so they work really well now and we all use them and are happy with them. And billions of gallons of water are saved every single year in this country because of it. But if that one environmentalist in California hadn't gone overboard and gotten the environmentalists in ORegon riled up to write a better law and the environmentalists in other states hadn't got it passed there too, we would still be wasting billions of gallons of water a year and needing bigger water treatment plants and so on. And id didn't cost you any extra money and it doesn't cost you any extra inconvenience and it does a good thing for the environment. And it has nothing to do with global warming but it is still good.