Friday, June 01, 2007

Protect us from the Protectors

Here's the Problem.
Yesterday all the news was aglow with the story that a major spammer of your email was arrested.  That we are now protected from receiving information about our male members.  
There's a dark side to this.  It's not what it seems and it's a power grab.  Remember after 9-11 the TSA?  TSA, a joke with no funny punch line.
Now when you buy an airplane ticket you see a charge for security.  Started out at $5.  Now $7.  Soon $10.  It's a tax.  And it employs people who couldn't find other jobs.  It's control.  Take your jells and shampoos and toss them.  Off with your shoes.  Take out your laptop.  Remove your belt.  Stand in line.  And the bombers haul GUNS thru the scanners with abandon while grandma gets wanded down for nuclear devices.  
This is what kind of idiocy happens when the government begins to protect us.  We aren't protected, just harassed and taxed.
Remember Cell Phones?  Looked at your bill lately?  My cell phone bill is $45 per month.  But I write a check for $65.  Howcome?  TAX!
I would blame Clinton (he's easy) but most of this happened in the last 5 years.  All in the name of security and equalization.  It's all a lie.  My and your cell phone bill is the most taxed service we pay.  
NOW, we are going to be protected by some idiots against spam on the internet.  Really.  Is this going to be free?  Get real.  Every click, every email, every new page you open is going to carry a fee.  Oh, it hasn't happened YET.  It will.  All in the name of protecting us.  
If you look behind the great Oz's curtain you will discover that Mr really bad spammer mostly did tools, services and other things.  Not much about my male member.   He just did it better than most.
We are going to discover that most of this hoopla is just so much bulloney.  He didn't steal identities, he didn't cheat anyone. 
This is about money, your money, this is about controlling the internet, this is about censorship, this is about the big shots using the power of the state to crush free expression.
I'm not fan of spam.  I am a fan of unfettered exchange.  I'm a big boy, I have spam filters.  I'm not easily fooled.  I don't need to pay someone to protect me.
This is the dumbest thing since the Scooter Libby case. 
Hang on to your pocketbooks and enjoy what's left of freedom on the internet.  Life is about to change.



◈lunaluna◈ said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desk.
I'll publish on my blog!.


Anonymous said...

I am just no seeing the conspiracy or how this arrest is going to lead to some horrible tax- i have seen nothing proposed and your link says nothing about the nature of his spamming - what is your source that he is not a spammer and that his allegedly false arrest is going to somehow lead to costing us money?