Thursday, July 26, 2007

The BIG Lie

It's hot in the southwest. It's never been hotter. In fact it's so hot it may mean the end of civilization as we know it.

That's what the news media promotes. It's part of the Hitlarian BIG LIE. Tell a big lie loud enough and long enough and maybe you can fool the dummies.

Guess what, it works.

When it's 100+ degrees in North Dakota or 114 in Phoenix the reportage is not that, "Phoenix is having a real heat wave". No, the reportage implies that Global Warming because YOU ARE ALIVE AND EMIT GAS is causing really hot temps this summer.

Then, Explain this. Las Vegas on average is COOLER than it has been in the past 60 years.

I don't know why the earth cycles, it just does. And neither do you or anyone else. Visiting Lake Michigan yesterday I saw the shoreline. I told Kevin that recently they found a large underground forest from 25,000 years ago 2 miles off shore.

That forest was on the beach of what was then Lake Michigan as it dried up during a warm cycle in the climate. It may well do so again.

We were pretty human lean then on the planet.

What can the human caused global warming believers be ingesting to make the mind go bad like that? They believe everything they hear and march lockstep without brains engaged. Liberals never learn to engage in critical thinking, oh they are critical, but it's without thinking.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Once again, it is NOT whether there have been cycles or not. We all agree on that. The question is whether the cycle is coming faster since industrialization and most reputable scientists agree that it is. No, the cause and effect are not proveable, but if it is true and we do nothing, we perish. If it is NOT true and we do something, we merely have a cleaner greener more pleasant world to live in. The choice is obvious to the intelligent and the risk analyst. But we've explained this before . . .