Thursday, July 26, 2007

I disapprove of Bush

I heard an AP dispatch saying that nearly 70% of Americans disapprove of Bush's handling of the war in Iraq. Count Me among those people. I disapprove.

I think there are lots of people in my camp. We disapprove. We wish he would have and would still commit us to all out winning of this war once and for all. Use all (read that all) of the warfare tools, pull no punches. Arrest or kill Al Sadar. Forget the political mess. Crush the murderous insurgency with every tool available. That's why you have to read between the lines of a poll when it's published. Disapproval of handling doesn't mean disapproval of the war on terrorists.

I disapprove of GWB's Walk Soft Manner in conducting this war.

IF I WERE ABLE TO MAKE POLICY I WOULD: (White House I hope you are monitoring this phone call)

Give this notice to the Sunni Neighborhoods where most roadside bombs are (after the area is surrounded): You have 3 days to leave this neighborhood. After that it will be bombed to the ground. Only rubble will remain. You can escape death but as you exit we will interrogate, imprison who we want and in general treat every refugee as a potential criminal. Here are the gates from which you can escape. If you try to escape any other way you will be killed. You will be stopped, strip searched, interrogated, and suspected. Then after those 3 days, level the place. Leave not ONE stone on top of another. If anyone stays behind they are killed. Scorched earth policy.

Do this one neighborhood at at time until all insurgency is crushed. You wouldn't have to destroy every neighborhood. After a couple neighborhoods were crushed they'd be anxious to get the criminals out in the open pretty quick.

Declare free Kurdistan. Put borders up. They aren't Iraqi's anyhow. They aren't even Arabs. They are Kurds who are the Ancient Medes, as in Medes and Persians (Iranians) not Arabs either. Have as part of the freedom a debt to be paid via Oil Revenue to finance the battle in the rest of Iraq. Money after that will be remitted as reparations for a while. Don't ask them what they want, tell them.

Put Chalibi in Charge of Iraq as America's dictator. Empower powerful rich Iraqi-Americans in Dearborn Michigan to go there and take over. It's our country now, we bought and paid for it.

Make universal conscription in Iraq the order of the day. Joblessness is rampant. If an Iraqi doesn't have a Job, he's in the army now. The only exemption is if you have an essential job. We would pay them for their conscription but put them in ranks and if anyone gets out of line in the Military type, shoot them, NOW, publicly. That's how you keep order in the army. A few executions from the ranks will enforce discipline. Tell them, rebel, step out of line and it's up against the wall.

IF ANY Cleric acts up in the country and tries to foment revolution he must be hunted down like a dog and killed. I would start with Al Sadar.

I would FIRE the whole "on vacation" Legislature who didn't come back from vacation in 3 days. NO questions asked. Your credentials disappear if you don't show up for work.

Yes, it would be a dictatorship but I disapprove of allowing people to pretend to rule themselves when they refuse to do so. If Chalibi is half the man I think he is he could carry this out easily. If not him, someone else just as mean would be appropriate.

Sure, money would be stolen, lives lost. How is that different from what it is now? We must get this under control. We need to get the Iraqi's to step up by persuasion or force. Persuasion doesn't seem to be working sooo....

The surge was a good idea and it is working. It just isn't enough. George W Bush is just too nice a guy. That is his weakness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so the families that would die in the crushing of the neighborhood would be a worthwhile sacrifice to you?