Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Soul Prosperity

What does it mean to prosper in your soul?  How does that look.  Is that a real thing?  Or some religious gobbeldy gook.
I am convinced that we do NOT grasp the true meaning of 3 John 1:2  Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.
How would you know how your soul is prospering? Is it possible that ill health results from an unprosperous soul?  Or lack of prosperity rooted in a depauparate soul?  What does it look like to have a prosperous soul?  This is obviously NOT about heaven.  It's about something else.
If we can have a more prosperous soul which will result in good health and earthy prosperity how can that be done? 
I think this is a valid question many who deny the higher call need to ask.  What does it mean to prosper in your soul?

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