Sunday, September 23, 2007

This is not Free Speech - just stupid

Liberals will stand up and cheer, you just wait. They have no patriotism.

Iran's nutcase president Ahmadinejihad is visiting the USA.

He wanted to go to ground zero to present a plaque. I have my doubts if that was a plaque commemorating the firefighters or those who died in the towers.

My guess is it was in honor of the 19 “brave Islamic martyrs” who flew the plane into the things on 9-11 and murdered 3000 people. It would have somehow noted Islam’s greatest victory over the west in 800 years.

But in view of liberal idiocy, Columbia University (which took out an 18" cross so from the chapel in fear it might offend someone), yes that same Columbia university that invited a big-time Nazi official in the late 30's and gave him an honor after he spoke. Yes that same university who while Hitler and his goons were burning books written by Jews they sent delegation to Heidelberg in honor of the 550th anniversary. The same college who’s President just said they would have invited Hitler to speak back during the war.

That renowned institution is having nutcase Iranian president Ahmadinejihad come to speak.

Here's is what Ahmadinejihad, if he were honest, should explain to the Columbian audience:

  • How he will deal with the homosexual population in his country and in ours when he invades.
  • What he will do about abortion when he comes.
  • What he will to encourage feminism when he takes over
  • How he will encourage free speech when he becomes our leader
  • The approach he will use to dealing with labor unions
  • The transsexual in Iran and how they are tolerant towards them
  • His platform regarding religious freedom
  • The way his administration will embrace openly lesbian people like Rosie.
  • The way he plans to have tolerance for drug use and alcoholic beverages
  • His personal opinion on Same Sex Marriage

All this will be forgiven when he describes what he will do when he takes over the USA, just as long as at the end he says, “I hate America and George Bush” The liberals will clap, cheer and give him a standing Ovation.

They hate Bush much more than they love this country. This is not free speech. This is stupid is as stupid does. These are the same people who can't pass a 60 question civics test. People who don't understand our history, our country and our government. These are dupes. They shouldn't be allowed to vote.

PS: If you are a liberal I'm still waiting for the report on well you did on the civics test that most liberals can't pass.

This guy in Colorado is going to be first on his feet for the standing O.

He can't pass a simple civics test either.

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