Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Check with no Signature

Let's suppose you are given authorization to write checks on Bill Gates Checking Account. He has given you full authority. Why? because you are his wife, Melinda Gates. You have his name. He loves you. He wants only the best for you.

But you are out of town. You are not at this moment with Bill. In a far country.

Bill sends Melinda a letter, in it he says, the money's all there, please write a check. You have my permission, you have blank checkblanks, in fact I want you to. You are going to need this money to make it home.

Melinda sits on her duff and says, "If Bill wants me to have that money, he'll have to write the check for me."

This creates an impasse. He isn't going to write the check for Melinda. Melinda isn't willing to write the check for herself. The money's there. It's hers if she will just do what he told her to do.

Bill isn't going to love Melinda any less if she doesn't write the check. He's her husband.She is welcome home. She is his beloved.

But, she is missing out. She is operate at a deficit without the provision already provided. Getting home will be more difficult unless she writes the check. She could be waylaid. If you are Melinda and you write the check it will be more than enough, but you can't write a check for everything Bill has invested for your interest in the future. He simply wants to make a pledge, an earnest money, a down payment of his good faith toward you as evidence of his love and of your empowerment as his wife. It's what happened when he signed the marriage certificate along with you. He sealed you with his seal. You and Bill have now the same name, Gates. You are one in union. He is your (Melinda's) beloved and you are his.

If as an outside observer if you watched all this unfold you would be right to ask a question. What is the matter with Melinda. Why won't she just write the check? Pride? Stubbornness? Tradition (mom never had to write checks) or could it be that she simply doesn't believe Bill would allow her to access what he has laid up for her. You would think her pretty low in faith in her Husband to not take advantage of all He had for HER.

By now, if you got this far, you see this for what it is. A spiritual metaphor.

I really wonder about people who say, "If God wants me to have the Holy Spirit, if he wants me to Speak in Tongues, I'm open to it, but I'll wait for him to do it to me". Spiritually they have a check blank they are authorized, even encouraged to fill out and sign for themselves. But for reasons never understood by me and others
we live in amazement at resistance to this simple act of faith. I mean those who did sign the check our Husband, Jesus Hosea 2:16, gave us, received the earnest of our salvation, the full amount in the account, the seal, the anointing provided. We don't know how it is anyone anywhere would hold back the faith and trust in a Loving God to believe him faithful that if he promised us his Holy Spirit, he would be faithful. No stone, no snake, no scorpion.

Those who refuse to fill out and sign the check are no less husband, they have just chosen to ignore this part of Scripture:
2 Corinthians chapter 1:
20 For as many as are the promises of God in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us.
21 Now He who establishes us with you in Christ (the anointed one and his anointing) and anointed us is God,
22 who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.
What are you waiting for, Write the Check! It's all there. God has soooo much more than you can possible imagine for you. Just go for it. IF you were to prayerfully read the rest of 1 Corinthians you would quicly see all that the Spirit of God manifests, particularly chapters 12-14. Is there any doubt that God wants to provide for you on this side of the age EVERYTHING you can possess. Stop living below your spiritual potential. Come up Higher says the Spirit of the Living God.

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